Friday 17 February 2017

Why is Avocado so important to your Hair

Avocado oil is extracted from Avocado fruit, which is rich in  proteins, monounsaturated fats,Vitamin E and B, and other minerals.All these components work in a deeper level by penetrating into the epidermis thereby strengthening the hair.Vitamin B is very important to promote hair growth, and Vitamin E is quite effective when it comes to repairing damaged hair.

Benefits Of Avocado for your Hair 

The reason why Avocado oil is highly recommended for hair growth is because of its high quantity of monounsaturated fats.The monounsaturated fatty acid content in avocado oil is even higher than extra virgin olive oil,and coconut oil. Monounsaturated fats when applied directly in a hair mask, can moisturize, nourish and strengthen hair strands. Because Avocado oil has this characteristic, it may easily penetrate into the cortex of the hair strand, which only a few oils can do.This oil also stimulate new hair growth,and help unclog blocked follicles, leading to healthy hair growth.
Massaging avocado oil into your scalp also stimulates blood flow to your hair follicles.Which improve blood flow and circulation to the scalp, more nutrients can reach the follicles to stimulate new growth and healthier hair in general.

How to use Avocado on Hair Masks

You can just massage your hair using avocado oil.It will stimulates circulation and allows it to penetrate deeply, unclog blocked follicles and will easily stimulate hair growth. You  can also use avocado on hair masks as well.

When it comes to healthy benefits, no other oil can compete with Avocado Oil. Among all the oils, Avocado oil has the best moisturizing and conditioning effect.The rich content of Vitamin E makes it appropriate for fighting with radicals that causes aging of skin.

Avocado, Olive Oil and Honey 

This mask is very effective if you are trying to increase volume on your hair, and it will also work as a good conditioner.

Olive Oil  contains oleic acid which easily penetrates the hair shaft and strengthens the hair. This oil is highly moisturizing and it can help boosting hair growth due to its rich content of vitamin E. This oil has anti-inflammatory, and  anti-bacterial properties,which is very essential when it comes to  treating dandruff, thereby reducing hair fall and possible hair loss.

Honey  is a great hair conditioner, it softens and smooths the hair. It improves the health of hair follicles and the scalp at the same time. In the other hand, honey also help keeping the scalp clean due to its antiseptic and antibacterial properties. This will further reduce the risk of developing dandruff and itchy scalp.

Eggs are the most used ingredient on skin and hair masks. Eggs are packed with numerous nutrients, from vitamins A, B,D to proteins.  The protein found in eggs will nourish  the hair roots, heal dry and damaged hair, prevent hair breakage and boost on hair growth.

  • 2 tablespoons of avocado oil.
  • 1 tablespoon of honey.
  • 1 egg white.
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil.

  1. In a small recipient mix all the ingredients listed  above and stir it well.
  2. Aplly it on your hair and let it sit for about 30 minutes or for an hour.
  3. Rinse it off and then wash your face.

Avocado and Banana 

Banana is very effective when it comes to hydrate and moisturize  the hair.  It is rich in potassium, natural oil, carbohydrates and vitamins which will help in softening the hair and protect the hair's natural elasticity preventing split ends and breakage. Banana creates manageability, shine growth and controls dandruff when applied on hair masks.

  • 4 tablespoons of avocado.
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil.
  • 1 ripe banana.

  1. Blend one ripe banana  and avocado fruit until  you get a smooth paste without any lumps and save it.
  2. In a small bowl  put the olive oil and save it.
  3. In the same small bowl add the banana mixture and stir all the ingredients together until you have a smooth mixture with an uniform consistency.
  4. Apply this mask on your wet hair, including the scalp, paying extra attention to the hair ends.
  5. Massage the mixture for a few minutes.
  6. Cover your hair with a shower cap and allow the mixture to sit for about 20 minutes, or more.
  7. Rinse your hair then wash and condition your hair as usual.

Avocado  And Onion 

Onions are very rich in vitamins,minerals and nutrients. Onion  will improve the production of collagen tissues which is necessary for growth of hair. The sulfur content in onion juice has anti-bacterial properties and prevents the growth of fungi and bacteria on the scalp, which reduces the chances of losing hair . Onion juice increases the strength of the hair and prevents thinning and breakage.

  •  4 tablespoons of avocado. 
  •  2 tablespoon of onion juice.
  • 1 teaspoon of olive oil.
  1. Grate /blend one small onion or half of a medium sized onion to extract the juice.
  2. In a small bowl smash half of one ripe avocado.
  3. Add the onion juice and olive oil to the mixture .
  4. Apply the mixture on your hair,  and cover it with a shower cap.
  5. Allow the mixture to sit on your hair for at least 30 minutes.
  6. Rinse it off and wash your hair with your regular shampoo. 

Avocado,  Amla, Yogurt

 Amla  is also known as Indian Gooseberry. It is an excellent tonic  and it  is one of the  secret ingredients on Indian hair treatments.
 Amla is very rich  in vitamins and minerals. When combined in hair masks  it will increase the circulation of blood on your scalp, strengthen hair follicles and stimulate health and lustrous hair growth. Amla can also help you getting rid of hair fall, greying hair, dandruff and split ends.

Yogurt  is a great source of  anti-oxidants, minerals, vitamins and proteins that will moisturize your hair, strengthen the hair shaft and make them less prone to damage. Yogurt is an excellent choice   if you are someone who is struggling with dry hair, dandruff, split ends and premature grey hair.


  •  4 tablespoons of avocado fruit.
  • 2 tablespoons of amla oil.
  • 1 tablespoon of yogurt.

  1.  In a small bowl mash 1/ 4 of avocado , or you can calculate the necessary quantity for your hair.
  2. Add yogurt and amla oil to the mixture.
  3. Stir it well, so you can achieve a fine and smooth paste.
  4. Apply the mixture on your hair and leave it on  for 40 minutes.
  5. Rinse it off with water, wash your hair with your shampoo and conditioner.

Masks containing avocado oil or avocado fruit will protect, condition,soften, moisturize and revitalize your hair and scalp. These masks will also add shine and prevent hair split ends.

Best Avocado Oils

Buying a hair oil seems like an easy task, but there are so many kinds of avocado oils available in the market, that might get you a little bit confused, and you will face a hard time trying to choose the one that will give you the best results.

Usually a nutrient rich avocado oil will have dark green color.  But unfortunately,you cant see the color of the oil until you open it, because most of these oil bottles have dark colored protective wrappings around the bottle.A darker color is a good indication that the oil has been less processed.A less processed oil always have more vitamins, amino acids, and another essential minerals.

You can easily buy your avocado oil in shops, or even online, I bought mine Here , and it worked perfectly for me, it had the characteristics I mentioned above.
For best results, it is very important to keep your avocado oil away from direct sunlight.

Pick which recipe you  would like to try, and you can share your results, on the comments down bellow.
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