Monday 14 August 2017

If you Follow this Recipe Properly You can Lose More than 10 Pounds in 4 Days

I'm pretty sure you already heard people say that cucumber is a great ally when it comes to losing weight.
In this post I'm going to share with you, easy homemade recipes including cucumber for weight loss, and most important I'm going to explain why exactly is cucumber so effective for weight loss.

Cucumber is a vegetable, that is rich in water ( 90%), fibers, vitamins (A,C,and E) and minerals, that can benefit your health in many ways, I will list some benefits of cucumber for weight loss.

Benefits of Cucumber for Health

  •  Diuretic: it helps to remove excess body fluids and fat cells by breaking down the fat cells, so that they can be eliminated from the body.
  • Cucumber is very low in calories:1 cup of sliced cucumbers contains only about 14 calories.
  •  Antioxidant : vitamins and antioxidants will help to remove toxins and fat cells. They will help to clean your system at a cellular level, to remove fat and toxins that have built a room in your body and underneath your skin.
  •  Alkalizing : It helps to restore the pH level in your blood. And this is very important when it comes to losing weight, because if your pH level is not balanced, an acid environment in the body can make it difficult to lose weight. This is due to the fact that too many acids in the blood or body, can damage your organs and blood vessels. In order for your body to protect itself from the acids, it starts creating " rooms " to locate fat in your body.When you restore your pH level, these rooms can be eliminated
  •  Contains silicon: silicon and sulphur contained in cucumber will help to stimulate the kidneys to cleanse the body from the accumulated uric acid, which is often the result of being overweight. Besides, the kidneys also aid in breaking down fat cells to be removed from the body.
  • Cucumber is really high in fiber: this point is essential when it comes to weight loss, as it helps to clean your digestive tract, and the rest of your body as well. This helps to increase your metabolism so that you will have more energy to help the body to burn more fat.



How to use Cucumber for weight loss

This ingredient has thermogenic properties, which means, it will raise your body temperature by increasing the circulation of blood. Rising your body temperature ginger increases your metabolism and helps burning more fat. The thermogenic properties of ginger will force your body to increase the metabolism in order to reset the normal temperature of the body. When ginger is combined in detox teas, it usually  helps your body getting rid of toxins, and reduce bump. In fact, sometimes, these bumps are the reason why you appear to have a bigger belly. drinking this lemonade you will allow your body to get rid of toxins and all the things that are not so that necessary in your body. This is the best appetite suppressant, so it means, that while you are drinking this lemonade it will be a bit hard for you to keep having those cravings that you usually  used have between meals.


This ingredient can be considered a secret weapon  when it comes to losing weight. Many people don't realize the importance of mint leaves when it come to loosing weight. Mint leaves can relax the muscles, which will allow the gas to pass, this fact will contribute to reduce stomach bloating. This leaves will also calm the muscles of the stomach and  help in the process of digestion.


Lemon contains antibacterial and antiviral properties. Drinking lemon juice will flush out the toxins from the body and encourage the liver to produce bile, which is an acid that is required for an efficient process of digestion. This lemonade will not only help you lose weight, the lemon on this recipe may help keep your urinary tract healthy, by maximizing enzyme function , which stimulates the liver and aids in the process of detoxification. Lemon is also rich in vitamin C,  an essential nutrient that protects the body against immune system deficiencies. Drinking this lemonade will balance and maintain the pH levels in the body and help flush toxins and reduce pain and inflammation.


This is a very important ingredient that many people consider. Water is essential because it will keep the body hydrated, which is important, because dehydration can slow down the fat burning process. Water is also important to make you feel full during meals, so you will not overeat.


  • 2 liters of water
  • 3 lemons
  • 1 medium cucumber
  • 2 teaspoons of grated ginger
  • 10 mint leaves
  1. Put ten mint leaves to boil in a cup of water.Once it boils, let it sit for  five minutes, once its ready save it.
  2. Prepare the lemon juice : squeeze it and then cut three lemon zests from it that you will out in your lemonade later
  3. Peel the cucumber and blend it.
  4. Mix  the cucumber juice, the lemon juice and the mint infusion
  5. Get a 2 liter of spring of water and pour it in the glass with the cucumber juice, lemon juice and mint infusion.Mix  it all and put the 2 teaspoons of grated ginger,  and the three lemon zests.

The key moments to drink this lemonade will be after every meal, to control food cravings and before  going to sleep , so you can burn fat during the night. Try this lemonade, let me know about your experience in the comments down bellow.
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