Wednesday 3 January 2018

My Neighbor lost 15 pounds in 5 Days with this Recipe

If you are already thinking about giving up on finding a good recipe that will really help you burn all the fat that keeps creating a city on your body, I have something to tell you, DON’T.
Today I have a successful story to share with you, I’m going to share a secret used by my neighbor to lose 15 pounds in just 5 days, which is just epic.

I will not spend all the time talking about how  Read More


  1. Can u drink it morning and night everyday for 5 days or

  2. Cause I really want to loose the stubborn body fat

    1. Yes Alyson, you can drink at night and in the morning as well, after you lose weight check another article I wrote about how can you avoid regaining weight too.

  3. Do you still eat your normal food or is it straight juice for 5 days with no food?

    1. You must always eat.this drink is very potent and if you don't eat you may feel very weak.

  4. What is the quantity of ginger root it says four ginger root, so they are different sizes or do youhave a specific quantity like 1/4 cup etc?
    Thank you

    1. You can use 1/4 cup of ginger root, or 4 tablespoons of ginger powder. I hope you enjoy the recipe.

  5. Absolute horse shit!!! This is what is wrong with the health and wellness industry! Piss poor unscientific misinformation given to vulnerable and desperate people.
    All you will lose is water weight, as soon as you stop all the weight will go straight back on, this is beyond stupid and you should be ashamed to be promoting it.
    All you need for fat loss in a calorie deficit and some patience!

    1. Hahahahaaaaa. You sound so upset about this post? Being Human guarantees freedom to choose. the presenter of the info knows some will go for it, some wont. Like anything, some choose toyota some choose chevy. some choose exercise and healthy diet some choose these options, some choose life some choose death. Its all a choice at some level. Unto Maat be Tru.

    2. kkkkkkkkk claps ChefV. I am happy to know that people are aware that this detox teas are also about confidence and believe. Thanks

  6. Hi I’m on day two of this drink and I feel super bloated not all the time but it does last a while. Is this normal?

  7. What about the cinnamon what is the measure if I use ground cinnamon

    1. Hello Ladykc, you can use 3 or 4 tablespoons of cinnamon.

  8. Can women who are breastfeeding use these drinks?

  9. Is it ok to prepare the drink the night before and drink it in the morning?

  10. If i choose to use cinnamon powder instead of sticks will i still boil the cinnamon powder separately as advised or you can boil all of then once as long as you boil for minimum of 15 minutes?

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