Saturday 11 March 2017

Make Your Hands Look 10 years Younger

Hands are the part of the body that is always exposed. And for people who care a lot about a good appearance they know that having good looking hands is good for your image, since they are always exposed they can be the key to find out how old someone is.

Sometimes our hands can present in a way that we are not very proud, actually I would say,  ashamed. But today I'm going to share with you some tips to have beautiful  and young looking hands. If you have dark spots on your hands, or some fine lines and wrinkles, this post is for you, because it doesn't matter if you apply a lot of cosmetics to keep your face young and in the moment you show your hands people can tell that you are not so young as you seem.

How to get rid of age spots on hands



Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is an ingredient that is used in almost every  homemade skin treatments or masks. It aids skin regeneration, so it is excellent for getting rid of brown spots, especially when caused by sun exposure. Aloe Vera  offers both moisturizing and anti-inflammatory properties that keep the skin feeling fresh, young and also hydrated. The treatment to fade age spots on your hands is very simple if you already have aloe Vera plant.
  • Break off one of the leaves and rub a little of the gel that oozes out onto your age spots. Allow it to soak in. There is no need to rinse, though it can feel a bit sticky. But if you want to wash it off, make sure you let it sit at least 30 minutes first. Repeat this procedure twice a day and in a week you will start seeing the age spots fade away.


Castor Oil

Castor Oil is famous for its healing properties.  This oil is rich in antioxidants, minerals, proteins, vitamin E, ricinoleic acid ( Omega 9 Fatty acid)  Omega 3 fatty acid , anti-fungicide and antibacterial properties.Due to all these properties this oil can be used effectively to get rid of brown spots or age spots. The fatty acid found in the oil is what heals, soothes and moisturizes the skin. This oil will hydrate , as well as cleanse your skin. Castor Oil will increase blood flow to the skin. Your skin will receive more oxygen and nutrients. This in turn, will help erase wrinkles, smooth out fine lines, and leave your skin feeling soft, subtle and looking much younger.
  • Use a cotton ball to apply Castor oil on the affected area.
  • Gently massage the area for a few minutes.
  • Leave it on for an hour and then wash it off. Do this once in the morning and once at night to help the brown spots fade away and make your skin tone even. At night you don't have to wash, you can leave it for the night and then rinse in the morning.
Along with Castor oil you can use vitamin E oil, coconut oil, olive oil , argan oil, or almond oil to remove brown spots.


Onions can be effective for age spots as they contain sulfur compounds which serve as an antiseptic, as well as acids that help to exfoliate the skin. Studies have shown that onions are one of the richest sources of quercetin , this is one of the most powerful antioxidant and one of the best nutrients to keep your hands and your entire skin free from wrinkles. You may be afraid of trying this treatment, what is understandable, because the smell, is not so that good, but the results are very great.
  • Slice up an onion and rub it over affected areas , two or three times a day. Leave it on for 20 minutes and then rinse well until the odor has dissipated. For greater results you can mix  a tablespoon of onion juice with a tablespoon of honey and some vegetable or essential oil and follow the same instructions.


The juice of potatoes is acidic and also offers bleaching properties,making it great for removing age spots as well as blemishes and freckles. Potato is rich in vitamins and nutrients that will prevent the appearance of wrinkles on your skin, reduce darkening of the skin and also improve your  skin tone due to Vitamin B. Actually deficiency of this vitamin can cause premature wrinkles, eczema, and acne. Potato juice on your skin will also help fighting free radicals,promoting healing and  repair any damage on your skin.
  • Wash a potato thoroughly, removing any green spots or sprouts, then grate it and place the shreds in a linen cloth. Squeeze out the juice and mix it with a few drops of lemon juice an a teaspoon of organic honey, mix it well and then apply the mixture  onto your age spots and allow it to sit for 20 minutes before rising.


Yogurt contains lactic acid, and also offers mild bleaching properties that are known to help make the skin lighter. Yogurt is also an excellent ally when it comes to fighting  against premature  wrinkles and fine lines.Yogurt has anti-aging properties that help fight off free radicals. Free radicals are dangerous to the skin because they strip oxygen molecules off of the skin, thereby damaging them. Free radicals are the reason why some people deal with premature wrinkles and fine lines on the skin.
  • In a small bowl mix one tablespoon of yogurt, two tablespoons of ground oatmeal ,and a   teaspoon of fresh-squeezed lime juice,  and mix well to form a smooth and paste. Apply the mixture onto affected areas and let it sit for at least 30 minutes, then rinse it with cold water and apply your moisturizer. Repeat this procedure everyday  and you will start seeing results at least in 10 days.
An alternative recipe contains Yogurt and Gram flour. Gram flour is an effective ingredient in anti-aging skin treatments. Gram flour is known as a natural exfoliating agent, which help to exfoliate all dead cells on your hand. Gram flour will also aid in making your hands glowing and smooth.
  • In a small bowl mix 2 tablespoons of yogurt and 1 tablespoon of gram flour.Stir it well until you have a fine paste. Then rub this paste directly on the hands and let it dry naturally, it may take 20 minutes or a little bit more. Rinse it off using warm water and apply your moisturizer. Repeat the process two or three times a week for faster results.




Tomatoes  are very effective to get rid of aging spots on hands, as well as dark or brown spots. It contains certain enzymes, and their high lycopene content  is known to be a powerful antioxidant  that effectively lighten the skin.
  • Slice up a tomato and rub one of the slices onto affected areas, or apply pure tomato juice directly onto your age spots. Leave the juice on for 20 minutes and then rinse using cold water. For better results add a teaspoon of honey and rub the tomato slice on your skin. Repeat the procedure twice a day until you start seeing results.


Oatmeal is an excellent healer for dry and rough hands. Oatmeal  contains proteins that will help you to prevent dehydration and maintain the moisture of your skin. Oatmeal has the ability to act as an exfoliating and cleansing agent. Oatmeal also has anti-inflammatory properties, so it soothes irritation and treat inflammation. This is the best ingredient if you have sensitive skin.
  • In a small bowl mix 2 tablespoons of  oatmeal, 1 teaspoon of honey and a little bit of water. Stir it well until you achieve a fine paste. Rub the mixture on your hands and let  it sit for at  least ten minutes. Rinse off your hands and apply your moisturizer. Repeat this process twice a week or everyday for faster results.
Honey is a good source of antioxidants, so it protects your skin from cell damage due to free radicals. These free radicals are often the reason why your skin  exhibit wrinkles and fine lines. Honey is also a rich source of flavonoids that neutralizes the cell damage caused by these free radicals and  stress.Honey is one of the secrets behind glowing and youthful skin.


Bananas are also known as nature's botox. it contains Vitamins  A,B,C,E, and minerals which will protect against free radicals that cause premature aging. These vitamins will  heal dry, whithered skin. The vitamins contained in bananas will  fade acne scars, and dark spots. These vitamins will also increase production of collagen, nourishes the skin, strengthens connective tissue and help maintain skin elasticity.
  • The first method is very simple, you only have to take a ripe banana, and remove the outer skin. The good thing about banana is that it is not only rich  in nutrients in the pulp, the peels are also very rich in  vitamins, so you can rub the banana peel on your hands and remove after 40 minutes. In case you want to use the pulp mash it into a fine  paste and rub the banana paste directly on your hands. Allow it to stay for half an hour before rising it off with warm water and apply your moisturizer.
An alternative recipe contains olive oil  and honey. Olive oil contains vitamins E and A that helps in elongating your youth, hydrating skin and sustaining skin's elasticity and softness. Moreover, it helps to regenerate skin cells. Extra Virgin Olive oil is composed of more than 80 percent oleic acid. This substance easily penetrates the skin, and allows the oil to heal damage, reduce wrinkles and improve texture.
  • In a small bowl smash half an overripe banana into a paste and then mix two tablespoons of olive oil and one tablespoon of honey. Stir it well until you get a fine paste. Apply the mask on your hands and let it sit for 20 or 30 minutes.After that wash off your hands with water and  apply your moisturizer. Repeat this procedure twice or thrice  a week for better results.
You can also add on your treatments egg whites, due to its collagen, egg whites are very effective to promote a firm skin. You can also add some vegetable oils : almond oil, jojoba oil, Castor oil, olive oil,  avocado oil and some others.
If you are someone who doesn't really like to go through all these things with masks, you can just apply Vaseline, along with some drops of vitamin E oil and glycerin before sleeping and  rinse it in the morning.
I hope I helped, If you enjoyed this article, Please Share it.



  1. What makes our hands look old is the collagen breakdown. Older hands are simply less plump than younger hands. To say it's mostly about age spots would imply that those with freckles have old looking hands. Nope.

    1. Lelly, when I refer to old hands in this post, I mean wrinkles and also dark spots on hands. In all my posts before giving the natural solution to a problem I always explain the properties of the ingredient I suggested and how can it help . I don't know if you read all the post but in the end of the post I also talked about egg whites, they are very effective when it comes to restoring collagen to the skin.


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