Monday 19 June 2017

The Ultimate Secret Recipe to Lose Weight

For years you have been searching ways to lose weight, but nothing seems to work. Don’t worry, today I will share with you the ultimate golden secret to lose 4 to 10 pounds in 4 days only, and also get a small waist, which is basically every women’s dream.
I’ll go straight to the subject, So hold your pen or just screen shot this, because this recipe will change your life.

this post I'm going to focus on ginger tea, this is one of the best allies when it comes to achieving a flat belly, I will explain why, but first he have to talk about ginger itself.
Benefits of Ginger
  • Combat cancer
  • Prevent diabetes
  • Facilitates better digestion
  • Reduce menstrual pain
  • Improve brain function and protect against  Alzheimer's diseases
  • It can help fight infections
  • Treat chronic indigestion
  • It may lower cholesterol levels
  • It may drastically lower blood sugars and improve heart disease risk factors
  • It can treat forms of nausea, especially morning sickness
  • It can reduce muscle pain and soreness







Why is ginger great for weight loss


Thermogenic effect

 One of the greatest benefits of ginger is that  it has thermogenic properties. What means that it raises your body temperature,and your blood circulation. Raising your blood circulation,ginger will also increase metabolism and burn more fat.The thermogenic properties on ginger will basically force your body to burn more fat, to balance your normal body temperature.
Ginger promotes better digestion.Ginger helps your body to get rid of toxins, and reduce bump, What is sometimes the reason why you have a big belly.What ginger will basically do is to get rid of things that are not necessary on your body.

Fuller sensation

Ginger is  known as an appetite suppressant. A cup of ginger tea after each meal is a really great way to  regulate your appetite, and also keep hydrated. Ginger helps to eliminate those cravings and the desire to eat between meals.


Ginger tea is very high in antioxidants, which means that it helps your body to get rid itself of all the toxins that cause inflammation and disease. Your organs will function better and that helps to burn more fat easily.


One of the benefits of ginger is that it is also anti-inflammatory, so it will reduce the appearance of bumps in your stomach, and also fortify your immunological system.





Ginger teas for weight loss

Ginger and water

This tea will work based on ginger thermogenic properties. Ginger will raise your body temperature by increasing blood circulation. Due to that, your body will be forced to respond to this chance in the system. Your blood circulation increase,  and when that happens, the metabolism is faster because your body will be searching methods to reset the normal temperature of the body.
  • 1 tablespoon of ginger or 3 cm   of ginger root
  • 500 ml of water


Mix the water and ginger in a recipient and  bring it to a boil. After it starts boiling, reduce the heat and let it simmer for 15 minutes. Remove it from the heat and let it cool off at a room temperature, but don't let it get too cold. Just to add to the taste, add honey and freshly squeezed lemon juice, just a few drops of it. 





Ginger and Cinnamon

Cinnamon  basically has the same properties as ginger, so in this tea, what you will have  here are the benefits of ginger   duplicated. Both ingredients of this recipe will  help you lose weight very fast and boost your immune system.  When cinnamon is used in detox teas alone or combined with ginger in this case, it will help you lose weight and  improve your health.  Cinnamon will help  burning the excess fat collected in the body, and prevent its further accumulation. Adding cinnamon will help you reduce your cholesterol levels, make you feel fuller and reduce the levels of harmful fats  in the blood. If you have diabetes, or you are  just trying to reduce sugar levels in your blood this recipe is an excellent choice, cinnamon regulates the production of insulin, and  decreases the metabolism of glucose.
  • 1 tablespoon of ginger, or 2 cm of it
  • 500 ml of water
  • 1 tablespoon of Cinnamon or 2 cm of it


Bring water to a boil, after 15 minutes add cinnamon  sticks and ginger and  let it simmer for 10 minutes. Allow it to cool of a little bit, this may take 5 minutes or 10.  Feel free to add honey and lemon juice as well, just to add  to the flavour. It is important to refer that this tea can be  stinging, after all we are dealing with spices. So if you can't feel this sensation maybe you should  add more cinnamon or let it boil for a little bit longer. The stinging sensation will soon increase your blood circulation, and increase  the metabolism.

Ginger and lemon

Lemon is an ingredient that is rarely  exclude from weight loss recipes.  Lemon is rich in vitamin C, citric acids and antioxidants. The citric acid will promote good digestion and protect the liver.  Both ginger and lemon have anti-inflammatory properties that prevent inflammations, enhancing  the activity of the  liver , that helps when it comes to  shedding  those extra pounds in your belly.

  • Lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon of ginger or 2 cm of it
  • 300 ml of water


 Bring to boil 300 ml of water, just before it begins to boil, add the piece of ginger root. Let it simmer for about 10 minutes. Before removing from the heat, reduce the heat and add lemon juice. After adding honey only leave it boiling for one minute.  Stir it well and add a little bit of honey just to achieve a better taste and then drink it.


Ginger and Green Tea

 Green tea is rich in antioxidants, these antioxidants have the ability to promote weight loss. Green tea is also rich in nutrients that can prevent fat from accumulating, control cholesterol levels, improve insulin activity,  and even prevent cancer.
Ingredients :
  • 1 tablespoon of green tea.
  • 3 inches of one ginger root
  • 250 ml of water


 Bring the water to boil for 5 minutes, then add ginger and let it simmer for 10 minutes. Reduce the heat and add green tea, but only let it simmer for  2 minutes. Remove it from the heat and allow it to sit for about 10 minutes and then consume it.




When should you drink ginger teas

The best time to drink ginger tea is early in the morning, with an empty stomach, ginger tea will help reviving up your digestive system and speed up your metabolism. You can also drink it during that time between meals, to avoid food craving.

When should you avoid consuming Ginger tea

  • It is not recommended to consume ginger or ginger tea if you have been prescribed medications to treat diabetes or high blood pressure, Such drugs shouldn't be taken with this herb.
  • If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, you should also avoid ginger.
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  1. woooowww... sounds great! I will try it today fir four days tgen!!!!!🤗

  2. hi do i need to drink the whole 500 ml in a day and every day redo this recipee or there's a certain amount? please thank you! thank you so much to share this recipee

    1. It is recommended to drink 500 ml daily, since you will not drink it all at once. redo the recipe daily.


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