Monday 5 June 2017

Whiten Yor Intimate Area Naturally at Home

Many women are dealing with dark skin in their private areas, but are uncomfortable to talk about it. However, this shouldn’t be a taboo subject – talking openly about it and sharing information may help you resolve the problem by whitening the dark skin in that area naturally. Most women try to whiten the area buying expensive products, but they often don’t work and may have adverse side effects.

The good news is that the “Beauty Hunterz” searched for the most effective treatments to get you rid of this issue naturally and fast  without any side-effects .Just remember that you should take proper care for your skin after starting the treatment. You should never expose your private area to the sun after applying the remedies as they will make your skin more sensitive.


Baking Soda

This amazing and powerful ingredient works great as a skin exfoliator. Sodium bicarbonate cleanses the skin and removes dark spots very efficiently. . It will remove dead skin cells from your skin and stimulate cell renewal which will result in smoother skin.

Hydrogen peroxide

 It is widely known that the best skin bleaching  ingredient. It  bleaches discolouration marks and dark spots. If you have age spots, dark spots, liver spots and acne scars, you can use HP to lighten the blemishes up.
 Here’s how to use baking soda to treat this health problem. Here’s what you need to do

  • 2 tablespoons of baking soda
  • 1 tablespoon of Hydrogen Peroxide – Vol 10


Just mix all the ingredients to get a paste, then apply it on the affected area and rinse with water after 10 minutes. Repeat the process twice a week for best results. In case you don’t have hydrogen peroxide, don’t worry, you can replace it with  water, but hydrogen peroxide is way faster.


It may seem strange to you, but yogurt can do wonders for your skin. Yogurt contains lactic acid, which is a powerful component that works wonders in skin lightening. Actually most of lightening products  contain lactic acid in their composition.

 Here’s how to prepare a yogurt-based cream that will lighten the dark area on your private parts:

  • 2 tablespoons of yogurt
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon

 Mix all the ingredients together and then apply the paste on the affected areas, then leave it to work for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water in the end. Repeat the treatment twice a week until you achieve the desired results.


Aloe Vera is a great ingredient for your skin – it can hydrate it and keep it healthy, but it can also be used to lighten the complexion. Here’s how to use it to whiten the skin on your private parts:

Apply the gel on the affected areas and massage it into your skin, then let it work for 20 minutes before washing the area well with soap and warm water. Repeat the process 2-3 times a week for best results. There you go – 3 simple remedies that will lighten the dark skin in your private area. Try them yourself and you will be amazed by the results!

Lemon and Baking Soda

Lemon is definitely one of the healthiest fruits on the planet. It’s loaded with many healthy nutrients and it can provide many health benefits. Lemon contains high amounts of Vitamin C, which make this fruit advantageous for getting rid of dead skin cells and toning the skin.

Here’s how to use lemon to treat this skin condition – you just have to  spill one  tablespoon of baking soda on a lemon and then apply it on the affected are (rubbing it for couple of minutes). Leave it on for 20 minutes, and then you need to rinse it off.

Cucumber and Lemon

Cucumbers have powerful skin lightening properties. So, if you want to get the best results, you should combine cucumber with a lemon juice. The lemon juice will act as a whitener and the cucumber will prevent any tingling or irritation of the skin.

Here’s what you need to do – just combine some cucumber juice, lemon juice, and a pinch of turmeric. Then, you need to apply this mixture on the affected area. You can use this homemade natural mixture every day. Or, you can just cut a cucumber and rub the affected area with it.

Apply these masks daily and depending on how severe is the damage of your skin in this intimate area you will start seeing results soon. Some people see results right after the first application, but if you don't see the results after your first application, please don't stop trying. Repeat the procedure at least for one full week.

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1 comment:

  1. nice infroamto. but only baking soda will effective for these infection
    vaginal care


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