Friday 17 February 2017

Restore your hair using Garlic

Garlic is widely known as a home remedy for reducing the shedding of hair. It  boosts the regeneration of the new hair and promotes the scalp circulation.
Too much styling using heat, and chemicals leads to various hair issues such as dryness, frizz, hair fall and less growth of hair. A proper diet, healthy lifestyle and balance in hormones will help determine the good development and health of your hair. Sometimes the problem with slow hair grow or baldness, is not related to chemicals,  it can be related to any other reason that garlic can heal due to its properties.

Benefits of Garlic for your hair

Garlic contains a variety of trace minerals, such as zinc, magnesium,copper, germanium and specially selenium. Garlic also has many sulphur compounds, such as Vitamin A and C, fibre and various amino-acids. All these minerals play an essential role when it comes to providing hair with strength and shine. I will explain how can garlic help you to achieve a lustrous hair.
  • Garlic  increase blood circulation in the scalp, which can facilitate healthy hair growth.
  • Garlic reduce dandruff and prevent hair loss.
  • Garlic restore the hair follicles, solving hair thinning problems.
  • The sulphur and selenium in each clove of garlic can help to improve the structure of the hair shaft.
  • It cleanses the scalp of impurities and also help strengthen hair follicles.
  • Garlic is rich in certain vitamins that conditions the hair while adding volume and luster.
The reason why garlic is so effective in hair treatments, is because of its ability to fight against fungus. There is a small fungus that lives on the scalp, called Pityrosporum ovale, this fungus lead to dandruff and block the process of healthy hair growth. When you crush a raw garlic, it produces a phytochemical called allicin. It acts against the fungi and bacteria causing dandruff and helps eliminating them. To increase the level of allicin-content it is better to let the crushed garlic sit at least for 10 minutes.
Due to this properties, garlic keeps the scalp hydrated and gets you relief from itching. It is a natural solution for seborrhoeic dermatitis as well.

Hair Masks using Garlic

Garlic and Eggs

 Egg yolk, when combined with olive oil offers added benefits, such as reducing hair fall, and make your hair silkier and more manageable. This mask promotes healthy hair growth, and is principally recommended for  people struggling with dry hair.
  • Take a few garlic cloves and crush them with a blender, until you get a smooth paste
  • Squeeze it enough to get the juice for the mixture 
  • Mix the garlic juice with one egg yolk, one tablespoon of olive oil and one tablespoon of honey
  • Mix it well and let it sit for at least 2 minutes
  • Apply the mask on hair roots, rubbing into scalp using your fingertips
  • Leave it on  for 30 minutes.
  • Wash your hair with your regular shampoo
It is normal to feel a burning sensation in the beginning.But if this strong burning sensation  continues, wash it off immediately, and don't use it again, you may be allergic to garlic. Besides garlic can usually cause allergy  when used alone, that's why is recommended to combine it on hair masks.

Garlic and Yogurt

If your goal is to softens your tangles, yogurt is an excellent ally, due to its conditioning properties. In this mask we will combine yogurt with honey and Castor oil, this will eliminate itchy scalp and dandruff and also make your hair shiny and soft.

  • In a small bowl mix 2 tablespoons of garlic juice, and one of Castor oil, yogurt and honey.
  • Mix all the ingredients until you get a mixture and let it sit for 5 minutes
  • Apply it on your hair with massaging movements and make sure you cover your entire scalp with it
  • Leave it on your hair for 30 minutes  and wash it  off using your regular shampoo

Garlic and Beer Mask

If you like voluminous hair, this mask is for you. You are probably wondering how can beer help your hair, I will explain.The alcohol in beer adds volume, while the B complex vitamins and sugars nourish the scalp. Beer contains malt and hops, these ingredients are full of protein that can strengthen hair cuticles. The proteins in beer also make your hair shinier and smooth its surface. Despite all these benefits, you cant use this mask too often, because it may lead to hair dryness. you can apply it once or twice a week.
  • You will need a small bowl, where you will mix 1 tablespoon of garlic juice, and 50 ml of beer.
  • Add one egg yolk and one tablespoon of Castor oil.
  • Apply the mixture on your hair, and massage it using your fingertips, or you can apply it using a cotton ball
  • Leave it on for 30 minutes
  • Wash it off using your regular shampoo

Garlic and Banana Mask

This mask is perfect for those who have dry,itchy or irritated scalp. When banana is combined with honey  and Aloe Vera in a hair mask it will nourish and hydrate the scalp leaving it fresh.

  • Extract garlic juice ( 1 tablespoon)
  • In a small bowl mix the garlic juice with one tablespoon of aloe Vera and honey
  • Mash banana in a blender until you get a smooth paste
  • Add banana to the same bowl that you have all the other ingredients
  • Apply the mixture on the scalp.
  • Leave it on for 40 minutes or even an hour for better results
  • Wash off your hair with your regular shampoo.

DIY Garlic Shampoo

  • Blend pressed garlic with  Castile Soap
  • Add this pulp to your shampoo bottle ( I recommend a organic shampoo) and shake it well
  • Add one tablespoon of olive oil, to enhance conditioning effect and help to moisturize dry hair
  • Keep this garlic shampoo in a dark bottle or dark cupboard.

How to get rid of Garlic smell in hair

  • Be careful while preparing garlic masks. Make sure you filter the garlic juice and don't leave small particles pass through.If this particles get stuck in your hair they may cause smell even after shampooing
  • Only rub the garlic blend into the roots and scalp and do not distribute it on the hair length
  • Add orange or lemon juice in hair rinse ( 2 tablespoons per gallon of water) citrus are really great to eliminate stink. You can also use apple cider vinegar ( 2 tablespoons of vinegar to half liter of water).
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