Friday 17 February 2017

Banana face Mask for a Flawless Skin

Banana is a delicious and health fruit that is commonly used on skin  and hair treatments. What many poeple do not know, it that banana peel is also enriched with vitamins and nutrients. You know that banana peel that you throw away every time you consume the fruit ? That's a big mistake. Banana peel can help you to fix a lot of skin issues, such as acne, wrinkles and it can also heal bites by bugs. If you want to use banana for skin care, always pick a fresh banana, because it contains many vitamins (A,B6,E,C,K) and minerals, such as magnesium,biotin,zinc, selenium,manganese, potassium, folic acid, and much more, which will provide a good hydration to your skin.

Vitamin A
  • Decrease hyperpigmentation.
  • Correct all skin conditions like acne, wrinkles, rosacea and much more.
  • Speed up the healing process and it also gives you a healthy and youthful skin.

Vitamin B6
  • Moisturizes dry skin.
  • Protects your skin from radicals.
  • Helps delay the aging process.
  • Tighten the sagging skin.

Vitamin C
  • It is an antioxidant that promotes a smoother and an even skin tone.
  • It speeds up collagen production, fading age spots, and it also helps to nourish the skin.

Vitamin E
  • It heals acne, and acne scars as well.
  • It helps to improve the hydration level of the skin, improving the skin texture as well.
  • It contains powerful antioxidant which protects your skin from harmful UV rays.

Vitamin K
  • It helps to heal wounds, bruises, dark spots, stretch marks, spider veins, acne scars and dark circles.

Banana Face Masks

Banana Peel Scrub

This is the easiest way you can use banana to get rid of acne.You just need a Banana peel and that's all.
  • Wash your face with lukewarm water to open your pores.
  • Rub the banana peel all over your face.
  • Leave it on for 45 minutes ( for better results you can do it at night and sleep with it).
  • Wash it off, and apply a moisturizer.
  • Repeat this procedure three or four times a week.

Use a fresh peel for this treatment. If you use after some minutes it will give you thin pimples. Truth story.

Banana Lemon and Honey

Lemon  is rich in vitamin C and citric acid, which will help lightening your skin, reducing the appearance of scars, dark spots, and pimples. Combining lemon juice on your face mask will help you achieve a better skin complexion.

Honey  is rich in minerals such as potassium, magnesium, calcium, sulphur, iron, and phosphate, it also contains vitamins such as C, B1,B2,B3,B5,B6. All these properties  give honey the power to fight infections below the top layer of the skin by unclogging pores and cleaning the impurities lodged in this area. Honey is a  good source of anti-oxidant  which  protect the skin from cell damage caused usually by the free radicals. and overexposure to sun rays that can damage the skin causing premature aging. Combining honey with bananas and lemon juice will keep the skin hydrated, and give you a glowing and youthful skin.


  • 1 ripe banana.
  • 1 teaspoon of lemon.
  • 1 teaspoon of honey.
  1. Take the banana and cut it into small pieces and smash them.
  2. Add the honey and lemon and mix them all together, until you get a paste.
  3. Apply the mask on your face in circular motions. Let it stay for 20 minutes.
  4. Wash you face, only using water ( no soap).

Banana and Turmeric 

Turmeric  contains  a rich antioxidant  called curcumin. This antioxidant has been found to even the skin tone, reducing  the appearance of scars and dark spots. Curcumin in turmeric will also help in skin regeneration, reduce the appearance of dark circles under eyes and wrinkles.  The antibacterial and anti-fungal properties contained in turmeric will help killing the bacteria that causes acne. Turmeric also contains vitamin C, which will lighten the skin and maintain the skin's firmness  by building collagen. 

Baking Soda  has an excellent exfoliating property that exfoliates the skin and remove dirt, dead skin cells and excess of oil trapped in the skin pores to remove darkness and brown spots on the skin.  Since baking soda has bleaching properties it will lighten black spots on your skin and offer you an even skin tone with a glowing texture. Baking soda effectively encourages the growth of collagen to get rid of the spots or scars on the skin  and also reduce the appearance of wrinkles.


  • 1 ripe banana.
  • 1 teaspoon of baking soda.
  • 1 teaspoon of turmeric.
  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil.


  1. Take a banana and slice it into small pieces and smash them.
  2. Add baking soda, olive oil,turmeric and mix  well all the ingredients, so you can obtain a paste.
  3. Apply the mask on your face in circular motions. And let it sit  for  30 minutes. This mask will give you a tingly feel but don't take it off, it will pass soon.
  4. Wash your face and apply your moisturizer.

Banana Papaya and Olive Oil

Papaya  has papain enzyme, a protein- dissolving enzyme which is a natural acne fighter. It is very effective in skin renewal and skin lightening as well. When applied as a face mask, papaya will exfoliate your skin,moisturize, keep it soft and  give you a youthful and glowing skin.

Olive Oil is rich in vitamins E, and A that help in elongating your youth, hydrating the skin and sustaining the skin's elasticity and softness. Olive oil contains oleic acid, which will deeply penetrate the skin moisturizing it, and erasing any kind of damage and wrinkles that may be appearing on your skin. This mask containing papaya, banana and olive oil will  give you a glowing and youthful skin, light the dark spots and scars on your face, and promote a better  skin complexion.


  • 1/4 of a papaya.
  • 1 ripe banana.
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil.


  1. In a small bowl smash both the ingredients together, until it form a paste.
  2. Mix them well, add olive oil  and stir it well.
  3. Apply the mask on your face and leave it on for 20 minutes.
  4. Rinse it  and wash your face.

Banana, Shea Butter and Honey

Shea Butter  is naturally rich in vitamins A, E, and F . The concentration of these natural vitamins and fatty acids in Shea butter makes it incredibly nourishing for the skin. Due to its cinnamic acid, Shea butter reduce inflammation and also helps fight acne. Shea butter also aids in the skin's natural collagen production and contains oleic, stearic, palmitic and linoleic acids that protect and nourish the skin to prevent drying, Applying Shea butter regularly or combined on masks, will strengthen your skin ans also reduce wrinkles.

  •  1 ripe banana.
  • 2 tablespoons of honey.
  • 1 tablespoon of Shea butter.
  1. In a small bowl smash one banana until you get a fine and smooth paste.
  2. Add to the small bowl Shea butter and honey and mix it well.
  3. Apply the mask on your face and allow it to sit for about 30 minutes.
  4. Rinse it off and wash your face.

Banana  vitamin E Oil and  Egg White 

Vitamin E Oil will fight wrinkles, age spots and other signs of aging that  may be appearing on your face. This mask containing  vitamin E is specially for people who are struggling with premature wrinkles and fine lines. Vitamin E oil will boost the production  of collagen, and also adds  elasticity to the skin, which will prevent the signs of aging like wrinkles and fine lines.

Egg White  is an ingredient that works wonders when used on face masks. Egg white will tighten the skin and repair tissues. Egg whites are rich in vitamin A,  which removes dead skin cells, controls acne and makes skin smooth and moisturized.  Combining egg white with vitamin E oil will improve your skin complexion and also prevent premature aging.

  • 1 ripe banana.
  • 2 capsules of vitamin E oil.
  • 1 egg white.

  1. In a small bowl mash one ripe banana until you get a paste.
  2. Add one egg white and the two capsules of vitamin E oil  then stir it well.
  3. Apply the mixture on your face and allow it to sit for about 30 minutes.
  4. Rinse it off with water and then apply your moisturizer.

Before applying these  mask, always wash your face with lukewarm water and soap to open your pores. 
Always wear a old shirt, because this mask can be messy sometimes.You should also make sure that whenever you use these masks you have your hair tied up, because it can stick on your hair.
If you want to use the same mask again, put it in a recipient which you can close after using it, so you can avoid the development of bacterias, which would ruin all the effect of the  mask, because it would just increase your acne, and you wouldn't see any results.

Pick one of these recipes  and start applying. Let me know about the results on the comments down bellow. If you enjoyed this post don't forget to share it .


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