Saturday 18 February 2017

5 Asian Recipes to Look 10 Years younger

Rice is considered as a cosmetic healing tool used for centuries, and especially appreciated by the Japanese beauties. Rice is a cosmetic ingredient with miraculous properties. It is rich in vitamin B, which stimulates cell regeneration and slows the aging process. It can get rid of wrinkles on the face and neck.
Applying rice bran oil, rice bran powder and rice water on your skin can change the texture and clarity of the skin, and eliminate dark spots.

To maintain a flawless skin condition and prevent premature aging , the Japanese women use  face masks made from rice. They don't spend thousands to achieve a flawless and young looking skin. The only thing they do is to  follow a thousand year old tradition with the ingredients that we all have in our kitchens.
Today I'm going to share with you Japanese masks that will make you look 10 years younger just by applying them at least once a week.

Japanese Rice Masks For Younger Skin

Rice is a rich source of linoleic acids and squalene, a powerful antioxidant that promotes the collagen production in the skin. This substance keeps the skin from wrinkling. In addiction, squalene protects the skin from sun damage. Rice is also rich in vitamin E and Gamma Oryzonol, which protects heart health and also lower cholesterol. Applying rice powder or rice water on your skin can change the texture and clarity of the skin, meaning it can make the skin smooth and eliminate dark spots. Rice powder or water, contains Tyrosinase, which will control the production of melamine in the skin, making your skin brighter and removing dark spots as well.  The vitamins  contained in rice will boost new cell production and slows the aging process by improving the collagen and elasticity of the skin.

Rice Milk and Honey Mask

Milk  plays a key role in maintaining the beauty of the skin and keeping skin problems at bay. Milk has the ability to remove dead skin cells, dark spots, wrinkles, and dark patches. Milk lightens the skin by promoting shedding of pigmented skin cells. The enzymes, proteins, mineral and vitamins content of milk helps reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. So regular use of homemade rejuvenating face masks with milk will retard the aging signs on your skin and even eliminate the already existing.

Honey  is a rich source of antioxidants and flavonoids that neutralizes the cell damage caused by free radicals and oxidative stress.Due to its vitamins and minerals, honey fight infections even below the top layer of the skin by unclogging pores and cleaning the impurities lodged in this layer. Being a good source of anti-oxidants, when honey is applied on face masks it will  protect the skin from harsh UV rays. Overexposure to sun  rays can damage skin, cause premature aging and even cause skin cancer in some cases.

  • 1 tablespoon of honey.
  • 3 tablespoons of rice.
  • 1 tablespoon of milk.

  • Bring your rice to a boil with 1 cup of water. Let it simmer for 3 minutes.
  • Remove it from heat and let it cool for a couple of minutes.
  • Strain the water  from your rice, but also make sure to keep the rice water and store in a jar in the fridge.
  • In a small bowl mix the boiled water and  add milk. Stir until it is well combined and add a tablespoon of honey.
  • Apply a generous amount of the mask on your face. Remember to clean it thoroughly before the application.
  • Carefully remove the mask after 30 minutes and rinse with rice water.

Rice water is a great skin moisturizer, it is packed with antioxidants and has the ability to absorb ultraviolet rays. It also able to bind copper, slow down the formation of melanin, which will prevent the formation of pigmented stains and brighten the already existing. Keep your rice water in the fridge for not more than 5 days.Use it twice a day, in the morning and  evening as a face lotion to tighten the skin and get rid of dark circles.Freeze it in ice molds and use it for facial massages or skin  icing treatments.

Rice Powder, Gram Flour and Coconut Oil Mask

Coconut oil is a powerful ingredient on  anti-aging face masks.  It is a natural emollient, so it softens and moisturizes the skin to prevent the formation of lines and wrinkles. Coconut oil is rich in vitamin E and A, and essential proteins that promote the production of collagen, which keeps the skin firm and supple. The anti-oxidants contained on rice will protect the skin against free radicals that damage the skin and cause wrinkles, and the most important, coconut oil will support the formation of new cell and repair the damaged ones.

Sugar is an essential ingredient on face masks, it can deliver excellent results in brightening and polishing your skin. It has moisturizing properties that prevents the skin from drying. 

Gram Flour  is usually used on face masks as a natural skin lighter. Gram flour  can be used to lighten scars and reduce the prominence of dark spots.  You can also use this natural product to get rid of those dark circles underneath your eyes. The result of using gram flour on this mask will be a brighter and glowing complexion.

  • 2 tablespoons of Gram Flour.
  • 4 tablespoons of Honey.
  • 4 Drops of Coconut Oi.l
  • 2 tablespoons of rice powder.
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar.
  • In a small bowl mix all the ingredients together until you get a consistent mixture.
  • Apply the mixture on your face and let it sit for 30 minutes.
  • Rinse it, wash your face and apply a moisturizer.

Rice Powder and Turmeric Mask

Rice powder when combined with turmeric and lemon juice makes an excellent fairness face pack. Its  anti aging and cleansing properties refine skin texture, remove impurities and excess oil , giving you a healthy,and  clear complexion.Turmeric and lemon juice are natural skin whiteners that dramatically improve the look and color of your skin.


  • 2 tablespoons of rice powder.
  • 1 teaspoon of turmeric.
  • 4 tablespoons of a fresh lemon juice.


  • In a bowl mix all the ingredients to form a smooth paste.
  • Clean and steam your face to open the pores.
  • Apply the paste and let it sit for about 20 minutes and then rinse with lukewarm water,  and apply a moisturizer.

Rice Powder and Egg white 

Egg protein plays an important role when it comes to repairing  tissues and tightening the skin. It has vitamin A, which removes dead skin cells, controls acne and makes skin smooth and moisturized. It also regulates the oil production of the skin. Combining egg whites on face masks will improve your skin complexion and also prevent premature aging.


  • 2 tablespoons of Rice Powder.
  • 1 egg white.
  • 5 drops of glycerin.


  • Mix all the ingredients together  to form a smooth paste
  • Apply the mask on your face and let it sit until it dries completely
  • Remove the mask slowly in upward direction using your fingertips and then rinse with cold water

Rice  Yogurt and Honey

Yogurt is rich in zinc, which is very necessary for cell reproduction and growth of tissues. Yogurt also contains anti-aging properties that help fight  free radicals. These free radicals are dangerous for skin because they usually damage the skin cells, slows the process of reproduction of new cells, and lead to premature wrinkles and fine lines.

Olive Oil  contains vitamin E and A, which helps in elongating your youth, hydrating skin and sustaining skin's elasticity and softness. Combining olive oil in this face mask  will allow the mask to penetrate deeply into the skin healing damaged cells, moisturizing it, reduce wrinkles and also improve the texture of the skin.


  • 1 tablespoon of rice powder.
  • 1 tablespoon of yogurt.
  • 1 tablespoon of honey.
  • 1 teaspoon of olive oil.
  • Mix all the ingredients  together and make sure you get a fine paste.
  • Apply the mask  on your face, and allow it to sit for about 30 minutes.
  • Rinse it off, and wash your face following by a moisturizer.

Tips and Precautions

  •  Before applying the mask on your face test in on your hands, to check if you are allergic or not.
  •  Rice can sometimes be abrasive to your skin, so be gentle while scrubbing on your face.
  • Always apply a moisturizer after using these masks.
  • Don't allow rice powder enter your eyes, it can cause irritation, so if it casually happen, rinse off immediately.
  • Before applying these masks on your face remove make up and wash your face with lukewarm water, allowing your pores to open and let the mask work effectively.
  • Apply these masks or only one of them three or four times a week and you will soon start seeing results.

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1 comment:

  1. I would like to be added to your Pinterest board please. Thank you. Jobie@


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