Tuesday 14 February 2017

Hormones that define your butt growth

When you are trying to grow a rounder and bubble butt, you often hear that you must exercise, and have a good diet. Usually when people hear about diet, the only thing they think about is: salads and no fries anymore. When you are working out to achieve a bigger butt, and you read / hear that you must have a good diet, they are basically telling you to eat some foods that will boost or regulate your hormones levels, When your hormones are regulated, you get more chances to grow your booty and hips easily.

Hormones play an important role in the development of your body. A right hormone balance in the body helps an individual get a healthy and well shaped body.Puberty is a phase that is all about hormones, if they are regulated, you will grow some great boobs and butt, but when they are weak, you may grow up with  a not so well physical structure.There a few hormones that not just help growing your butt, but lead also to better breasts development in female. They help a person mature sexually over a certain time period.

Hormones that build your butt


Progesterone, along with estrogen helps enhancing the physical aspects of a female`s body. The level of progesterone is the highest during the luteal phase of a  woman's menstrual cycle. Progesterone is a hormone that works keeping fat off your waist, this hormone is more responsible for driving fat to the top of your body ( breasts) giving you a curvy look.
Progesterone cooperates with estrogen to maintain female reproductive health and develop female sex characteristics. 


This is one of the most vital sex hormone in the body of a woman, estrogen develops the necessary female features right from the years of puberty. This hormone is responsible for the development of secondary sexual characteristics, such as the breasts, bigger and wider hips, and an increased amount of the body fat on the butt, thighs, and hips region. Estrogen stimulates both breasts and hip development, as well as fat distribution among these areas.

This hormone is actually not a single hormone, its a group of similar hormones. The most well.known of these estrogen's hormones are estrogen, estradiol, and estriol. These hormones are produced in high amounts every month during the follicular phase of menstrual period.
The female gonads are responsible in secreting this hormone in sufficient quantities.
Estrogen is largely produced by the ovaries , or female gonads, which is how bovine ovary supplements stimulate estrogen production , leading to breast and butt enlargement. During the pregnancy, the placenta also produces it.


Testosterone is mostly known as a male hormone and belongs to a group of male hormones called androgen. The female body also produces testosterone in small quantities. They help maintain a healthy sex drive and strengthening the muscles of the body. In the other hand, the presence of an excess amount of testosterone within a woman's body can block the development of the buttocks along with improper breast growth.

If you are someone who have been trying to increase your butt size for a long time with no luck, it may have to do with excess of androgen in your body. So you might consider adding an anti-androgen to your diet.

Growth Hormone

This is one of the most important hormones when it comes to booty growth.Growth hormone is produced by pituitary gland. This hormone is important for butt growth since it is responsible for stimulating the growth of new cells, tissues, organs, muscles ( precisely around your butt), cartilage and bones.
this hormone is very important for developing a well physic structure, but we produce less and less of this hormone as we age. But exercise and proper sleep can help raise the levels to certain extent. Make sure that you have a proper amount of  amino-acid intake, within the body to maintain the level of growth hormone secretion, you can do this by eating a plenty of  proteins, adding a great protein powder into your daily diet supplement with a complete amino-acid pill will increase estrogen level and also stimulates the release of growth hormone , which will also helps estrogen developing female sexual characteristics.


Prolactin is a hormone that is more effective for breast growth, than butt growth. It is a hormone made by pituitary gland and it is the main reason  your breasts look fuller during the first days of your period.
If you are taking herbs and you want some extra estrogen to your booty instead of breasts, you will need to supplement with an  anti-prolactin.

As you can see, you don't have to  do tons of squats or pay for surgery to achieve a bigger and rounder booty, sometimes, you just need to balance your hormones levels.

Since I already explained the importance of hormones to increase your buttocks, now I will share with you some herbs that can balance your hormones and increase the size of your buttocks.

Maca  Root Powder 

 Maca is one of the most recommended food that you can add to your diet and increase the size of your butt. It is been used  for more then 3000 years and it always shows some great results, that's why it is so recommended.  Maca powder is a great source of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and enzymes.  Maca helps women to achieve a bigger and rounder butt by increasing estrogen levels in the body. Balancing estrogen levels in your body will allow  you to store more fat on your butt and hips at the same time, and also avoid accumulation of fat on your belly.

Pueraria Mirifica 

 This herb is considered a natural anti-androgen, so it will be a great ally to reduce the testosterone levels on your body. As I explained before, the presence of an excess amount of testosterone  within as woman's body can block the development of buttocks, hips and breasts. When your testosterone level is higher than estrogen you tend to have more male characteristics than female. Many women that have used the herb regularly have reported a significant  increase in their butt size.


 Aguaje is sometimes called the super fruit or the curvy fruit. This fruit is rich in electrolytes, vitamins, and nutrients which help to enhance overall health and beauty. Aguaje  is a very rich source of carotenoids, it is even five times more than carrots. Aguaje also contains in its composition essential fatty acids, fatty oils, vitamin C, vitamin E oil, and a decent amount of  proteins, which is crucial to increase your butt size. The  main reason why this fruit helps increasing the butt size is because of its phytoestrogenic content. So if you consume aguaje fruit or it pills for a few months, you will soon start seeing results.

Try one of these herbs and boost your butt size in a healthy way!


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