Tuesday 14 February 2017

Foods that naturally make your butt bigger

 A proper nutrition is one of the keys to achieve any body goal, besides is extremely essential to have a proper diet, since it provides our body energy, vitamins and proteins. Before diving deep in this subject I want to tell you that the effects of these aliments alone will not make your butt bigger, you must associate food to exercises and supplements to achieve better results.

There are ways that foods can be eaten to increase the development of your butt, because there are certain foods that can directly affect the muscles that define a big butt.As I said before, to achieve a bigger butt, you must associate exercises, a good nutrition and some healthy supplements, many people don't talk about them, but adding supplements on your diet is really great, because they will provide you some vitamins, and proteins that will increase the production of certain hormones  and muscles directly connected with a bigger butt.

What foods to eat to get a bigger butt


Protein is what typically every woman need to eat to achieve a bigger butt. Well, actually, every person in this planet requires protein rich foods for optimal health. In fact most people who aren't even working out or trying to grow a bigger butt would still benefit from increasing their protein consumption.
When you are trying to get a bigger butt, as well as bigger hips, you must try to get a protein source in every meal you eat. Around 15-30g of proteins per meal. I also recommend you get a good protein shake to drink after your workout and possibly in a meal or two.

Here are some healthy sources of good protein for a bigger butt
  • Eggs
  • Tuna
  • Salmon
  • Skinless Chicken Breasts
  • Soy nuts
  • Vegetable burger
  • Steak
  • Protein Powder
  • Beans and legumes
  • Turkey
  • Cottage Cheese

  • Brown Rice
  • Oats
  • Coos coos
  • Ezequiel Bread
  • Quinoa
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Low sugar breakfast Cereal


 I know when you are trying to achieve a great body, when you read Fat, you get  intrigued, but as incredible as it sound, fat is necessary to achieve a bigger butt, you just cant consume a lot of it. Healthy sources of good fats are essential and can help to actually lose weight or achieve better body composition. Such healthy sources include :
  • Extra virgin Olive oil
  • Nuts ( almonds, cashews, etc)
  • Fish Fat/ Oils ( fish oil pills, salmon fat, etc)
  • Almond Butter
  • Peanut Butter 


Vegetables contain tons of anti-oxidants, nutrients, and other goodies that are essential for a growing booty. You can typically eat as much of vegetables as you want without fear, well basically that's what we do, eat salads all the time and run away from fries. Here are some vegetables that may help you to achieve a bigger butt

  • Spinach
  • Tomatoes
  • Broccoli
  • Basically any green vegetable

So remember that these foods will not  make all that work alone, you will have to exercise , and most of all, add some supplements, that may help you achieve a bigger butt., because most people require more protein, and an effective way to obtain them is to use supplements for better results.

There are some herbs that are very effective when it comes to growing a bigger butt. They can easily make your butt bigger, with no side effects. What these herbs will do is to balance some Hormones that define the shape of your butt that are essential to make your butt bigger.

There are also some herbs that you should add to your diet if you are really serious about increasing the size of your butt:

Maca  Root Powder

Maca powder is filled with vitamins, minerals, enzymes and amino-acids  that can help you achieving a bigger butt.Many people claim that consuming this herb during four months can increase the size of your butt, hips and even breasts. Maca will increase the estrogen levels on your body and that will lead to a feminine appearance of your body. A good diet is essential to define the shape of your body, and sometimes people don't get enough of the vitamins and proteins they need to achieve a bigger butt,  they work out and don't see results. Most of the times, when that happen, it is because your hormone levels are not well balanced. You can consume 500-1000 mg of maca per day. Anything higher than that can bring you serious health problems. Do not consume raw maca as well.


Fenugreek is a Indian Spice that  is very beneficial  for women's health.  Fenugreek contains  a special component known as diosgenin, that increases estrogen levels in the bod, resulting in a bigger butt. Fenugreek contains phytoestrogen that mimic human estrogen and help to regulate hormones. Taking fenugreek regularly will help you to store more fat  on the butt instead of storing it on your belly. Fenugreek will  distribute fat to the right areas of your body. The standard dosage of fenugreek is 500- 1000 mg daily. Do not exceed this quantity. You should always be aware that consuming powerful blends can be dangerous for your health. When you are consuming fenugreek make sure you drink a lot of water, I mean at least 8 caps daily for better results.

Saw Palmetto

Saw palmetto grown in the state of Florida. This plant promote fat storage and enlarge underdeveloped butt tissues. The reason why adding saw palmetto to your herbal routine is a good idea, is because saw palmetto is an  anti-androgen, which means that it will help your body to block the male hormones - testosterone. When that happens, your fat will start distributing in the right spots of your body, like, buttocks, hips and breasts.  The recommended dosage of saw palmetto is 60-320 mg per day.

Blessed Thistle

This herb has been used  to improve the digestion system. Besides improving the digestion system, it also develops muscles . So if you want to have a bigger butt, you can put this herb into your daily diet. Blessed Thistle will promote the development of muscles around your butt and prevent it from being flabby.

 You can read  more about these Herbs in one of my posts, where I explain how these herbs can influence in the size of your butt and the good and healthy shape  of your entire body.

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