Monday 13 February 2017

Vitamin C for skin Lightenning

It is a fact, everybody dreams about having a flawless skin with a natural kissed glow, no dark or red spots, no acne, no pimples, just a beautiful and even skin tone. But unfortunately that's rare. Seems like a dream that will never come true, but achieving a beautiful and an even skin tone is a easy task, you just need to know about vitamins that have a big influence on your healthy skin appearance. And today, we are going to talk about the one that plays a key role when it comes to providing a lustrous skin tone.

Vitamin C for Skin Lightening

Vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin, largely required by your body for almost all cell functions. It is also an antioxidant and works to brighten the skin`s tint.Vitamin C directly helps whiten skin by inhibiting the production of an enzyme called tyrosinase which lessens production of melanin pigments near the hair follicles.The fewer melanin pigments your body produces, the lighter your skin will be.

Vitamin C is  one of the most important vitamins to your skin`s overall health especially because it plays a key role in the production of collagen in your skin.Collagen ensures the integrity of the skin maintained, this process will help slow down the process of aging, maintaining a brighter and lighter skin.Vitamin C is easily available in fruits such as lemons, limes, oranges, and dark green leafy vegetables. You can also find vitamin C supplement from pills and capsules.

Benefits of Vitamin C for Skin

  • Vitamin C increases the levels of two other important antioxidants: Glutathione and vitamin E, that helps the skin to make the yellowish pheomelanin instead of eumelanin which is darker.
  • It helps to distribute melanin, what is very essential to guarantee an even skin tone.
  • It is a potent antioxidant and neutralizes free radicals that damage the skin causing aging and dark skin pigmentation.
  • It stimulates synthesis of collagen, what will  smooths the skin and avoid premature  wrinkles.
  • It helps the regeneration of skin cells and repairs damaged skin.
  • It exfoliates the skin and helps get rid of dead skin cells which are darker, exposing the lighter and brighter skin cells below.
  • It protects your skin against harmful UV rays.

You can easily use rich sources of vitamin C to light your skin and achieve an even skin tone. The only thing you have to do is to make face masks with natural ingredients that are rich in vitamin C.

Lemon Juice 

Lemon juice is high in vitamin C, which boosts collagen production, while the citric acid tightens pores and brightens overall skin. Lemon juice also contains lutein which strengthens natural antioxidants, fights premature aging and enhances UV defence.

Lemon Juice
  • Squeeze half lemon to obtain the juice
  • Apply this in the areas you want to light up, or areas with dark spots
  • Leave it on for 15 minutes
  • Wash it off and apply a moisturizer
  • Repeat this procedure every day
  • Never apply any mask that contain lemon juice during the day.

Lemon Juice and egg white

 Egg whites are known to cleanse, purify, tone and firm the skin, while also helping to reduce the appearance of pores. Egg white when applied as mask, offer a smooth skin and It is a perfect anti-aging skin care ingredient.
  • Blend 1 egg white 
  • Mix 1 blended egg white with 2 tablespoons of lemon juice
  • Apply it on your face 
  • Leave it on for 20 minutes
  • Wash it off and apply your moisturizer
Make sure that you don't expose the skin after applying lemon to the bright sun, because this reaction can manifest as redness, burning or even blisters that might subside leaving another dark patch on your skin. So remember "Never exposure the skin to the bright sun after applying lemon on it

Oranje Peel and Milk

Citrus in general are rich in vitamin C. Orange such as  lemon, is rich in skin beneficial nutrients. It penetrates deep into the pores and works as a natural cleanser. It tightens the skin and makes it look younger, and also removes dead cells providing you with a glowing skin tone.

Milk lightens your skin by promoting the shedding of pigmented skin cells. Actually the Queen of Egypt, Cleopatra, attributed her smooth skin and beauty to a secret ingredient- milk. So masks that contain milk as an ingredient will provide you some great results.
  • Mix 2 tablespoons of orange peel powder and 2 tablespoons of milk, mix it well until it forms  a solid consistency paste, and let it sit for 5 minutes
  • Apply it on your face
  • Leave it on for 15 minutes
  • Wash it off and apply your moisturizer

Papaya and Honey

Papaya fruit contains powerful enzymes and phytochemicals that are good for skin. The enzymes contained in papaya fruit have skin lightening properties and can reduce the visibility of blemishes and acne scars.Papaya acts as a gentle  exfoliator that dissolves inactive protein and dead skin cells.Applying papaya regularly to skin will soften your skin, leaving it smooth and supple.

Honey has a natural antibacterial and antimicrobial properties which help brighten the skin and thoroughly cleanse it.It is also an emollient and humectant that possesses anti-aging properties. The best thing about honey is that it has a pH level around 4.5, what makes it great for facial masks, even if you have a delicated skin.

  • Smash a piece of ripe papaya to make a smooth paste
  • Add one tablespoon of honey and mix it well
  • Keep it in the refrigerator to make it cold
  • Apply the cold papaya past on your face.
  • Leave it on for 15 minutes
  • Wash it off and apply your face moisturizer. 

Yogurt and Lemon Juice 

Yogurt is rich in vitamin B2 ( riboflavin), B12 and B5 and other powerful nutrients. It contains lactic acid, that is a bleaching agent, which will help  whitening your skin.
Yogurt is very effective on face masks, because it contains antioxidants that  exfoliates and moisturizes the dry skin to make it smooth; keep skin glowing and hydrated, it also protects skin cells from oxidative damage by free radicals.
  • Mix 2 tablespoons of yogurt with 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, mix it well until it become a consistent  paste
  • Apply it on your face and leave it on for 30 minutes
  • Wash it off and apply your moisturizer

There are some sources of vitamin C, that weren't listed above, such as : strawberries, sweet Irish potatoes, broccoli, spinach, tomatoes, guava kiwi and some others.You can use these sources too to make your own homemade  masks.

If you want to achieve a glowing skin all over your body and get rid of black spots, I don't really think you would consider applying these masks all over your body.So  I suggest Nivea Whitening Lotion .I know it seems like a whitening product, but its not. Basically the big benefit of this lotion is Vitamin C.This lotion will restore your skin natural look, and remove black spots. If you are a  dark skinned woman, it will remove dark spots, and offer you an uneven skin tone, with a chocolate glowing appearance.

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