Monday 24 April 2017

Drink This Before Sleeping And You Will Be Surprised In the Morning

 It's a fact that we are always seeking for ways to look fit and healthier. These days we are surrounded by thousand methods, that include detox teas and exercises to reduce weight, tighten the belly  and improve our health, so that we can finally enjoy that wonderful feeling of satisfaction with our bodies.

Today I am going to share a recipe that is called bizarre in some places due to its instant results. This recipe contains a powerful, that is a bit hard to find in some countries.  The ingredient is known as eggplant or  Eggplant, Aubergine, or Brinjel. Eggplant is very low in calories, with just 24 per cup. It contains no fat, and its high fibre content can help you feel full. The fibre also prevents the release of ghrelin, the hormone which convey message to our mind that we are hungry again. As you can see, it contains almost no fat or cholesterol  and will avoid craving.

Health Benefits of Eggplant

  • Weight Loss.
  • Better Digestion
  • Bone Health 
  • Prevents Cancer.
  • Prevents Diabetes
  • Fights Cholesterol
  • Prevents Birth Defect.

How to Lose 15 pounds in a week


  • 2 litters of water
  • 1 eggplant
  • 4 cinnamon sticks
  • 2 ginger roots with 2 inches each
  • 1 teaspoon of honey


  • Boil the water for about 15 minutes.
  • Add Cinnamon sticks, and ginger to the water and let it simmer for more 15 minutes or more.
  • Make sure you get a well boiled mixture, it has to look a bit dark ( dark brown).
  • Take it off from the stove and let it cool.
  • While you wait  for the mixture to cool off, take the eggplant and and cut it into chunks (you don't have to peel it off, these peels contain health benefits as well).
  • Take the cinnamon and ginger water and store it in a jar, or a well closed recipient.
  • Add to the jar the eggplant pieces and let it sit for about 5 hours before drinking it.
  • While you add the eggplant chunks, you can also Add honey, just to add some taste to the drink.
  • Pace the jar in a refrigerator.

The best  time to prepare this mixture is before going to sleep, because you will allow the mixture to sit for 8 hours and more .
Take this drink in the morning before eating anything and before sleeping, so that your metabolism can run faster and burn all the fat stored during the day. You can also take one tablespoon of this drink between meals to avoid cravings.

It is very important that you follow this recipe as I explained, so you can see the desired results.

Tips And Precautions:

  • This drink is not recommended for pregnant women.
  • Make sure you only keep the eggplant in the jar for two days.
  • You can always  reuse the same eggplant  to prepare other recipes.
  • Do not drink this recipe  for more than 7 days. It is a very potent  recipe.
  • Always take an interval of 5 days or one week to repeat this drink after drinking it for a week this drink.
  • Every time you drink a weight loss tea, specially at night, sleep while wearing a waistband. This is also a personal trick I use to avoid craving during the night.
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