Wednesday 1 March 2017

This Drink will Burn Fat around your Belly while you Sleep

I bet you already tried a lot of fruits and detox teas to eliminate fat. But I'm pretty sure you didn't try Carambola yet. What is understandable, this secret is not everywhere. Almost nobody talks about it. But today I'm going to share with you how can you use this magical fruit to lose weight.

Star fruit also called Carambola, belongs to species Averrhoa Carambola. It is widely grown in Asia and is native to Philippines, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. Star fruit is a small, bushy evergreen tree that grows very well under hot, humid, tropical conditions. This fruit when cut horizontally looks like a star and hence the name. Star fruit is better eaten raw, but can be consumed in the form of Jams, Jellies and Juice. This fruit is widely known for its restrained sugar content that is healthy and never goes beyond 4 %, even in a well ripe Carambola.

Benefits of Carambola for Weight Loss

Very low in Calories : this fruit is very low in calorie. 100 g fruit just provides 31 calories, which is  lower than any other popular tropical fruit.

Helps and Support the digestive System: This fruit possesses a considerable amount of fiber. Fiber can also scrape cholesterol out of the arteries and blood vessels. One cup of star fruit contains 4 grams of dietary fiber.

Maintain a healthy blood Pressure : Star fruit is loaded with potassium and a low content of sodium. One cup of Carambola contains 176 milligrams of potassium, compared to just 2,6 milligrams of sodium. This helps the blood vessels relax and maintain proper blood pressure.

It will not spike your blood sugar, like other foods : this fruit is more slowly absorbed into the  bloodstream, which prevents sugar crashes, sugar cravings and mood swings.

It can fight  Infections: One cup of starfruit contains 76 percent of vitamin C. This vitamin is a potent natural water-soluble antioxidant that helps the body develop resistance against infectious agents and eliminates Cancer. Vitamin C pushes out toxins and helps in collagen synthesis which is an important component to repair and form bones, arteries and blood vessels. This is very important to heal the body and calm the damages that are caused at a cellular and tissue level.

Vitamin B Complex: this fruit is a good source of B-Complex vitamins, such as folates, riboflavin, and pyridoxine. Together, these vitamins help in various synthetic functions inside the body.

Rich in minerals and vitamins : this fruit is rich in minerals that can  help you sleep better ( due to magnesium), regulate your metabolism, fight cancer, protect you from infections, due to its anti-inflammatory properties, boost your immunity, well, this fruits definitely has tons of benefits for your entire health.

Start fruit smoothies for weight loss

Star Fruit and Pineapple

 I already explained the reasons why you should consider using Start fruit for weight loss. But  you are probably wondering  why use pineapple in this recipe. I  will explain why pineapple is essential in this recipe to lose weight. 
The attribute of this fruit that contributes  to  weight loss is the very high water content. High water content foods have the ability to make you feel full for a while and are also essential for your body's weight loss. Pineapple is also a good source of various minerals, including manganese, thiamine, and copper. These minerals help fight against free radicals as they are packed with antioxidants. Pineapple is rich  in fibers, so  it will full your stomach with them and promote a fuller sensation, thus will keep you away from cravings that happen between meals. 

Ingredients :

  • 2 carambolas peeled and cut into chunks -seeds removed
  • 2 slices of pineapple, peeled and cut into chunks.
  • 3 tablespoons of Lemon Juice.
You just need to put the ingredients in a food processor and blend until all the ingredients are well blended. This drink will combine antioxidant, diuretic, cleansing and fat burning properties that can help you to achieve a good physic structure. Besides, this drink can give you  satiety, and a feeling of fullness.

Star fruit and Ginger

One of the greatest benefits of ginger is its thermogenic properties. When a food or spice has thermogenic properties, it means that when  consumed, it will raise your body temperature and your blood circulation. Raising your blood circulation, ginger will increase your metabolism and burn more fat. The thermogenic properties in ginger will basically force your body to burn more fat to balance your normal temperature.
When ginger  is used as a detox tea or combined in smoothies, it will promote better digestion. Ginger helps the body to get rid of toxins, and reduce bump.
When consumed in smoothies or teas, ginger will help you get rid of things that are not necessary on your body. The other benefit of ginger for weight loss, it is  that it can work as an appetite suppressant. So if you combine ginger in teas or smoothies and drink it after meals, it will regulate your appetite and also eliminate those cravings and the desire of eating between meals.
Ginger is a very good ally to lose weight and improve your entire health. In addiction,consuming ginger on smoothies will also combat cancer, prevent diabetes, help fight infections, lower cholesterol levels , lower blood sugars  and treat chronic indigestion.

Ingredients :
  • 2 Star fruits cut into chunks.
  • 1 tablespoon of ginger juice.
  • 1 small banana peeled.
  • 250 ml of water.
You just need to mix all the ingredients in a liquefier and blend . Make sure you get all the ingredients well combined.

Star Fruit, Lemon and Kiwi

Kiwi is extremely high in vitamin C, and vitamin K, which facilitates overall health and also helps losing weight. Kiwi is a filling food that acts as a safe  natural suppressant. This fruit will not only  help you losing  weight, but will also lower blood triglyceride, slows down sugars entering the blood stream  due to its rich content of fibers. When kiwi is consumed alone or in combination with other fruits, it will help to prevent asthma attacks, allowing asthmatic dieters to work out, walk or jog longer because of its high content of phytonutrients. In the other hand, the antioxidants contained in kiwi, will reduce inflammation caused by diseases  such as  arthritis, rheumatism and diabetes.

Lemon is an ingredient that makes part of almost all the recipes for weight loss. Lemon juice is a good source of vitamin C and B6. Lemon juice also contain small amounts of iron, and calcium. The vitamins contained in lemon juice will protect the body against immune system deficiencies. Mixing lemon juice in this recipe will balance pH levels, thus helping flush toxins, support weight loss and aids digestion.

  • 2 Carambolas cut into chunks.
  • 1 kiwi cut in chucks.
  • 2 tablespoons of lemon Juice.
  • 250 ml of water.
Mix all the ingredients  in a blender and run  the blender. After getting all the ingredients well combined, put your smoothie in a cup , and drink it.

Star Fruit and Green Apples

Green apples are rich in vitamins and minerals. The high fiber content in green apples can improve overall digestive process, lower cholesterol and reduce the possibility of colon cancer. Green apples have the benefit of giving your stomach a sense of satisfaction which can reduce cravings between meals.


  • 2 carambolas cut into chunks.
  • 1 apple cut into chucks.
  • 3 tablespoons of Lemon Juice.
Blend all the ingredients in a liquefier. Add ice and drink it.

Always choose starfruit that is yellow, shiny, without bruise and not too soft.In all these smoothies, you can add ice before drinking, or even some mint leaves.Feel free to add some other fruits that are known to be effective when it comes to weight loss.
You can drink these smoothies twice a day, in the morning and before sleeping.


Starfruit contains caramboxin and high levels of oxalic acid. These substances may be harmful to individuals suffering from Kidney failure, kidney stones, or those undergoing kidney dialysis treatment. Individuals suffering from kidney failure can experience hiccups, vomiting, nausea, and confusion.
Try this smoothies with Star Fruit to lose weight and you will at least lose one pound per day. I hope I helped.

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