Tuesday 21 February 2017

Potato for Skin Rejuvenation

A bright, fair and glowing skin is what makes a woman looks stunning, appealing and confident. In fact, not only women, we all desire a flawless skin, with no acne, dark spots, scars and all those things that make us be ashamed of our skin.We all know that there are many products available in the market which promise to make you look fairer and glow. But using a lot of chemical can injure your skin.

I think you never thought that potato could help you to achieve a glowing and beautiful skin, But believe me, potatoes can be an excellent ally if you are trying to get rid of acne, dark spots, and achieve an even and glowing skin tone. In this post I'm going to share with you recipes that you can easily do at home to achieve a lustrous skin just using potatoes. But first let me tell you about the benefits of potatoes, and how it can help you achieving a flawless skin.

Benefits of Potatoes for Skin

  • It removes dead skin cells and impurities from the skin.
  • It contains potassium which hydrates and moisturizes the skin.
  • It has vitamin B6,which improves new cells formation.
  • The calcium present in potatoes heals dry skin and protects the top layer.
  • The vitamin C in it boosts collagen production which helps to maintain skin elasticity and firmness while the zinc heals and protects damaged tissues.
  • The presence of mild bleaching properties reduces the melamine production, lowers hyperpigmentation and lightens the skin effectively
  • Potatoes also contain catecholase enzyme which reduces dark spots, blemishes, and acne scars.

How to use Potatoes for Skin Whitening

 Basic Potato Mask

Potatoes are the main ingredient used in potato brightening facila masks and the high amount  of starch  in potatoes helps to lighten your skin. The starch actually works  to fight dark pigmentation in skin, lightening dark spots and improving overall skin texture. The high amount of vitamin C in potatoes  helps bost healthy collagen production, which causes firmer skin, reduces inflamation and irritation, both of which cause a cascade of damage and also boosts your skinss defence against UV exposure. Not only potatoes are great for skin lightening, but they are also wonderful for removing facial blemishes, eliminating dark circles under your eyes, and offer an excellent treatment for wrinkles as well.
  • Peel the potato and cut into 1/2 inch slices
  • Gently massage the sliced potato over the skin for a few minutes.
  • Let the juice sit for 15 minutes and rinse it off with water.
You can also just grate the potato, extract the juice from it and apply over the skin. After 15 minutes rinse it off with water.

Potato, Yogurt and Baking Soda

Yogurt contains many powerful nutrients responsible for bleaching and rejuvenating the skin. Adding yogurt to this face mask will lighten your skin, keep it glowing and hydrated,alleviates acne and pimples and  will protect skin cells from oxidative damage by free radicals. Yogurt  is a mild astringent, which means it can help tighten tissues, and also regulate oil production in the sebaceous glands, thereby preventing oily skin and frequent acne breakouts. The lactic acid, which is one of the key ingredients in yogurt , will exfoliate and moisturize dry skin to make it smooth,help preventing wrinkles  and reduce the appearance of already-existing  wrinkles.

Baking Soda  comes first in treating many health and beauty  issues that people can usually face. Baking soda has an excellent exfoliating property that exfoliates the skin to remove dirt, dead skin cells and excess oil that trapped in the skin pores to remove darkness and roughness to brown spots. When applied  on face masks, it will effectively encourages the growth of collagen to get rid of the spots or scars on skin. This also helps to shed the skin and thus encourages the growth of new skin. It is important to refer that baking soda will also act as a drying agent that dries out the skin pores by removing the oil and dirt which are trapped in the skin and clears the age spots and scars.

  • Blend 1 potato to make a fine paste.
  • Mix 2 tablespoons of potato pulp with 1 tablespoon yogurt and 1 teaspoon of Baking Soda.
  • Combine well and apply this mixture over the skin.
  • Let it sit for 20 minutes then clean it off with water.

Potato, Lemon  and Honey

Lemon juice is a popular ingredient in skin lightening products and the citric acid in lemons help to bleach away dark spots.  Due to its antibacterial and anti fungal properties, lemon is a very great natural alternative way to treat acne and remove blackheads. The citric acid contained in lemon  is the main reason why lemon is so  used in skin treatments to lighten the skin, and eliminate dark spots. It is important to refer that  overusing lemon juice on skin,because it may make skin extra sensitive to the sun.

Honey offers a  number of skin benefits that make it an excellent addiction on face masks. Honey  is a good source of  antioxidants, honey protects your skin from cell damage due to free radicals. Free radicals accelerate the aging process and may contribute to wrinkles. As honey is a natural  antibiotic and anti-inflammatory agent, it can reduce acne symptoms and prevent infections. Honey is also a great source of anti-oxidants, which plays a key  role in protecting the skin from harsh UV rays.

  • Blend half potato, or you can grate it to extract the juice.
  • In a bowl mix 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and  2 tablespoons of honey and potato juice.
  • Stir it well until you get a paste.
  • Apply it over the skin and let t sit for 30 minutes.
  • Rinse it off with lukewarm water.

Potato and  Egg White

Egg white is great for tightening and toning skin. It works wonders for greasy skin by shrinking large pores on the skin surface, thereby reducing excess sebum. The proteins contained on egg whites help maintaining or improving the elasticity of the skin. Egg whites are rich in minerals, which will hydrate and moisturize skin cells, eliminate toxic and cell-damaging free radicals that create wrinkles. Eggs whites are high in collagen and vitamin A. All these properties will help killing the bacteria that causes acne, rosacea,eczema, and other bacterias that can cause a unhealthy appearance of your skin.

  • Extract the juice from half grated potato.
  • Break 1 egg and separate the egg white and mix with the juice.
  • Apply the mask on your skin and only take it off after drying completely.
  • Rinse it off with lukewarm water.

Potato, Rose  water and Honey

Rose water is an important ingredient in this potato brightening facial mask. Rose water helps to improve overall skin tone, which is important when trying to lighten dark spots on the skin. Antioxidant properties in rose water help with skin regeneration and these antioxidants help to fight free radicals that may  cause  dark spots or premature aging. Rose water is also an excellent ally in skin treatments because it keep the skin at proper pH level, healing scars, toning skin and helping to fight wrinkles and fine lines.

Honey  offers a number of benefits that make an excellent addiction in face masks. It helps to moisturize your skin and protect the skin against damage, because of the antioxidants it contains. Adding honey in this face mask will keep the skin protected from sun damage and free radicals.

  •  Peel one normal sized potato and blend with rose water to until you achieve a fine paste.
  • Add one teaspoon each of lemon juice and honey.
  • Stir well and apply a thin layer of this mixture over the skin.
  • Allow the mixture to sit on your face for about 25 minutes and then rinse it off with water.
  • Repeat this procedure  three times a week.

Potato and Rice Flour

Milk lightens your skin by promoting the shedding of pigmented cells. You can use milk on your face masks to reduce tan, dark spots and dark patches. Rice Flour is known as a skin bleacher and it is  also an anti-aging treatment in Japan.
Rice flour  is packed with antioxidants and has the ability to slow down  the formation of melanin, which will prevent the formation of pigmented stains and brighten the already existing. For more information about Rice Flour masks for a beauty and younger skin, click here

  • Combine 1 tablespoon each of rice powder, potato juice and milk.
  • Apply this mixture over the skin and let it sit for 25 minutes.
  • Rinse it off with water and pat the skin dry.

Potato and Oils

In this recipe you can either use Olive oil, almond oil, avocado oil, Castor oil, argan oil, or glycerine. They are all great for skin.
  • Extract the juice from 1 grated potato.
  • Mix the extracted potato juice, 1 tablespoon of one of the oils, and 1 teaspoon of milk.
  • Apply this mixture over the skin and let it sit for 20 minutes.
  • Then rinse it off and wash your face with water.
Apply these masks 2-3 times a week to see faster results. Don't forget to apply a moisturizer after applying these masks. Feel free to create your own masks using these ingredients. Homemade masks are not supposed to be strict.

Tips and Precautions

  • Wear an old shirt while applying these face masks.
  • Always use fresh extracted potato juice or pulp.
  • Always perform a patch test on elbow or knees to observe redness or irritation, if it happens, then immediately stop using it.
  • You can also drink 1 or 2 glasses of potato juice daily in the morning,  it helps to remove toxins from the body. but if you have stomach ache, is not recommended for you.
  • Apply sunscreen before going out in the sun.
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