Wednesday 22 February 2017

Hibisco Flower For Hair Growth

Long,silky, soft and thick hair is always fashionable, and guess where you can find women with such great hair : India. I particularly can`t stop searching Indian secrets for long and voluminous hair.In my opinion they have the best hair . It is a fact that genetic also play a key role. But they also have some secrets to keep that gorgeous long hair. And I'm going to share one of these secrets  with you in this article.

Hibiscus, popularly known as gudhal in India, is extremely beneficial  for your hair and skin. Hibiscus flower contains a high amount of Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Vitamin B( B1,B2), and alphs-hydroxyl acids along with other beneficial nutrients. Hibiscus flower along with the leaves can help to fight against dandruff issues, hair fall problems, baldness,  split ends, etc. The oil extracted from Hibiscus is also used in several shampoos  and conditioners that you can use once in a while for maintaining the health of your tresses.

Benefits Of Hibiscus for Hair 

  • It boosts Hair growth and make it thicker and stronger.
  • It treats dandruff and prevents frizzing.
  • It nourishes the hair and scalp by conditioning it.
  • Combats hair fall and split- ends.
  • Avoid itchiness of the scalp and maintains the natural sheen of hair.

Hair Masks using Hibiscus

As a hair treatment , the flowers are boiled in oil along with other spices to make a medicated hair oil. The leaves and flowers are ground into a fine paste with water, and the resulting lathery paste is used as a shampoo  and conditioner. To make hair oil with  hibiscus flowers you just need to crush the petals of the flower with a pestle and mortar ( always remove the stalk and the sepal- the green part at the base of the flower). Blend it with some olive oil and apply it like some kind of shampoo on the hair. Leave it on for about 15 minutes and  then rinse it off with lukewarm water. An alternative recipe contains coconut oil:

  • Take 4 hibiscus flowers, and 3 hibiscus leaves and crush them  using a mortar and pestle.
  • In other recipient warm half cup of coconut oil for about 2 minutes and then add the crushed flower petals and leaves to the oil and boil them for 5 minutes.
  • Allow the oil to cool down before appling it on youe hair.

 Hibiscus and Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is a good source of medium chain fatty acids. These are a special type of fatty acids, with antibacterial and antimicrobial properties that can promote healthy hair growth and give your hair a shiny look.
 Coconut oil's structure allows it to penetrate hair in ways that other oils are not able to, which is why  it can often help  reducing protein loss that usually cause hair loss. When coconut oil is applied on the scalp or combined in  hair masks it moisturizes dry hair, prevent breakage, split ends, and stimulates hair growth.
  • Rinse some 7-8 flowers along with leaves and grind them thoroughly.
  • Blend this paste with a cup full of coconut oil that has been preheated in advance.
  • After the mixture has cooled down sufficiently, add a tablespoon each of olive oil and almond oil. Smear and massage it on your scalp and hair.
  • Let it stay for the night for better results.
  • Rinse your hair with a shampoo in the morning when you step into the shower.
Another way to achieve long hair fast is using onion and Hibiscus. Onion has the great property of increasing fast hair growth. while the juice of hibiscus flowers or leaves will minimize the hair fall.

Hibiscus  and Fenugreek

Due to vitamin C and A, found in Hibiscus flower, the oil helps to prevent itchiness on the scalp.
Fenugreek  is very useful in hair masks because it piratically can combat all kind of hair problems. Fenugreek contains curative properties for baldness, works against premature grey hair, treat sensitive scalp conditions, strengthens hair follicles and promote hair growth.
  • Boil a pot with half-filled water, mix some hibiscus flowers, neem leaves and fenugreek seeds to it and let the water evaporate a bit.
  • Cool the mixture and then filter through a sieve.
  • Use the residue filter on your hair.
  • Then rinse your hair with shampoo.
Hibiscus when combined with fenugreek seeds, can also help to deal with dandruff issues easily.
  • Take 4 tablespoons of fenugreek seeds and soak them overnight. 
  • Mix  fenugreek powder with  2 tablespoons of hibiscus powder and  2 tablespoons of olive oil.
  • Stir it well until you get a fine paste.
  • Apply it on your scalp, make sure you reach the roots as well.
  • Leave it on for 15 minutes, then rinse it off and wash with lukewarm water.

 Hibiscus  and Yogurt

Yogurt  is packed with anti-oxidants, vitamins, calcium and protein. Yogurt has moisturizing  properties that can  strengthen the hair shaft and make them less prone to damage and split ends. The lactic acid in yogurt hydrates hair, and its gentle cleansing action helps to clear away dead skin cells that might have accumulated on your hair, giving your hair an unhealthy appearance. The lactic acid in Yogurt is an excellent ally when it comes to getting rid of grey hair and dandruff.
  • Take some hibiscus leaves and prepare hibiscus oil using coconut oil.
  • In a small bowl mix the hibiscus oil and 4 tablespoons of yogurt until you get a paste.
  • Apply the  mixture on your hair , and roots as well, and let it sit for an hour.
  • Rinse it off and wash your hair with your regular shampoo.
You can also prepare a mask using hibiscus oil and Fenugreek seeds. Take 4 tablespoons of each fenugreek seeds and hibiscus flowers and grind both of them to make a powder. Now, add the obtained mixture with yogurt and add a few drops of lemon to it along with some hibiscus oil. Apply this on your roots and hair tips.Massage it for some time and leave it to dry. Wash your hair with lukewarm water .

Hibiscus and Amla

Amla or Indian Gooseberry  is an excellent tonic and it plays a key role in the long, thick and beautiful hair of Indian women. Amla is very rich in Vitamin C, and contains many minerals like calcium, phosphorus, iron, and Carotene. The vitamins present in amla increase scalp circulation, strengthen hair follicles and stimulate healthy hair growth. Amla also contains antioxidants that  can get rid of free radicals that cause hair fall, greying hair and split ends. Amla contains healing properties that will promote healthy scalp. Its anti-inflammatory  and anti-microbial properties help with dandruff and other scalp issues. In addition, the cooling effect of amla helps to relieve redness, irritation and itchiness.
  • Soak Amla powder in  lemon juice and mix hibiscus leaves to it.
  • Make a paste out of this combination and apply it on your hair.
  • Leave it on for 45 minutes. Then rinse it off, wash your hair and apply your regular shampoo.

Hibiscus and Mustard Powder 

Mustard powder is an effective natural remedy that stimulates hair follicles and boosts blood circulation in your scalp, accelerating hair growth. Mustard is rich in vitamins that will restore damaged tissues, heal split, brittle and thinning hair. The vitamin contained in Mustard powder will promote development of cells in the collagen and elastin fibers, which are responsible for the elasticity of strands. In addition, the fatty acids will help the hair to grow faster and healthier, by nourishing the hair from inside, encouraging  the hair  to grow thicker, stronger and shinier.

  • In a small bowl mix 3 tablespoons of mustard powder, 2 tablespoons of hibiscus oil, 1 teaspoon of each honey and olive oil. Stir it well until you get a fine paste.
  • Apply the mask on your hair and allow it to sit for 30 minutes or even an hour. Don't forget to use a shower cap.
  • Rinse it off and then wash your hair using your regular shampoo.

Hibiscus to Nourish and Condition the hair

Hibiscus leaves or oil, will nourish both hair and scalp as well as fortifying hair follicles. You can make a conditioner for your hair out of hibiscus flowers.
  • Make a paste by mixing a paste of hibiscus flowers with water.
  • It is important to clean your hair before daubing the paste in your head.
  • Let the mixture sit for an hour and then rinse it off and wash your hair with lukewarm water.
To treat Thinning hair squeeze out ginger juice from a small portion of ginger root and mix it with the juice obtained from hibiscus flowers and apply it on your hair.

As I always say, homemade recipes are not supposed to be strict, it is not some kind of rule, since all the ingredients are natural, they will not harm your hair, so you can play with them and see the kind of results you get. In masks containing Hibiscus you can always add some natural oils I didn't mention, such as Castor Oil, Argan Oil, Sesame Oil, Jojoba Oil, etc.You can also add to your masks eggs, honey, aloe Vera gel, well all the ingredients that are usually included in hair masks. Apply these masks 2-3 times a week on the first two weeks, and you will start seeing results. After that you get to choose how often do you want to apply it. I hope I helped!

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