Sunday 12 February 2017

Natural Remedies for Fuller Lips

It is a fact that everybody loves fuller lips, they are more attractive, sexy and they easily drive attention to your entire face. In fact, sometimes plumper lips are more important than a beautiful face. But unfortunately, we are not all blessed with plumper and fuller lips, so we think that the only way out is a plastic surgery. The good new is that you don't have to waste so much money to achieve fuller and sexier lips. In this post I'm going to share with you some easy natural ways to achieve fuller and plumper lips without paying for a surgery.

Cayenne Pepper Essential Oil

Cayenne pepper essential Oil can improve blood circulation, well all the essential oils that are used to achieve fuller lips are extracted from spices. These spices are very effective when it comes to stimulating blood circulation. Applying cayenne pepper oil into your lips will make them look fuller and rosier. Therefore, don't exaggerate with Cayenne pepper oil, or else, you may feel the burn on your lips and mouth.

What you will need:
  • 2 drops of cayenne pepper.
  • 1 tablespoon of coconut oil.
  • 1 teaspoon of Shea butter.
  • 1 teaspoon of almond oil.
  • 1 empty  recipient that used to contain a lip balm.
  1. In the small recipient mix  all the ingredients listed above to make a homemade lip balm.
  2. Stir it well  until you see that all the ingredients are well mixed.
  3. Apply the mixture on your lips as a regular lip balm.


Cinnamon play a key role when it comes to stimulating blood circulation.  Cinnamon will stimulate your lips capillaries and enhance blood flow, making your lips look fuller  and rosier.When you use it on your lips, you will feel  tingling. To ease this sensation I recommend you to use olive oil, collagen and  vitamin E.

  • 1 teaspoon of cinnamon oil.
  • 2 tablespoon of olive oil.
  • 1 capsule of vitamin E.
  • Collagen.

  1. Mix all the ingredients together. and store it in a recipient, it can be a recipient that used to contain a lip balm.
  2. Apply it on your lips, as I said you will feel a tingling sensation, because of blood circulation on that area.
  3. Leave it on for 5 minutes.
  4. Rinse it off and apply your lip balm.
  5. Its very important to keep this mixture well closed after using it, so you can avoid the development of bacterias.


Mint has the same properties as cinnamon. It also stimulates circulation of blood. In this case you will not  feel that much of tingling sensation. A principal component of mint is menthol, this element will increase volume of your lips, giving the appearance of fuller lips.

  • 1 tablespoon of mint oil.
  • 1 tablespoon of Vaseline.
  • 1 tablespoon of Shea Butter.
  1. Mix all the ingredients together and then store them in a small recipient
  2. Apply it on your lips and leave it on for 5-10 minutes.
  3. Rinse it off and wash your lips.
  4. Apply your regular lip balm.

Peppermint Essential Oil

 Peppermint essential oil works in the same way as cinnamon. It will increase blood circulation and bring more blood to the surface of your lips. It causes lips to swell slightly and also has a perfect cooling effect.

  •  Take an empty recipient where you used to keep your lip balm and add one tablespoon of petroleum jelly or Vaseline.
  • Add to the same recipient three drops of peppermint essential oil, stir well, and start using it as your regular lip balm.

Niacin or Vitamin B3

Foods rich in niacin can be used as a natural scrub to get rid of  dark, dry, and chapped lips. Foods like  potatoes, mangoes, avocados, almonds, tomatoes and carrots are good souces of niacin or vitamin B3. All these fruits are very easy to find and they are available in the market.
  •  Make a paste made from two or three of the the fruits that are rich in vitamin B3.
  • Apply it on your lips and gently massage on it.
  • Allow the paste to sit on your lips for about 20 minutes. 
  • Rinse it off, and apply a moisturizer .
  • Repeat the procedure everyday until you achieve the desired results.


Exfoliation can also help you to achieve plumper lips. This process eliminate dead cells, hydrates and promote a slight bump on your lips, what will make them look bigger.You can use this procedure before using make up.
  • You can use sugar to exfoliate your lips, grab some sugar and rub it on your lips using a toothbrush, or you can mix sugar, baking soda and lemon, and use the exact same lemon to scrub sugar and baking soda  on your lips.Leave it on  for at least 5 minutes, then rinse it off and wash it. Apply your regular lip balm. Using Lemon, sugar and Baking Soda scrub will give you fuller, softer and rosier lips.


  • Press your lips tightly together and move them to the right, as far as you can. Hold this stretch for 5 seconds, then draw your lips to the left. Repeat this movement at least 20 times.
  • Keep your mouth closed and stretch your lips out into a kiss. Rotate them slowly clockwise for 2 times, then repeat the motion in the opposite direction. Do a  sequence of 10 repetitions.
So if you do some exercises, apply these homemade lip balm at least four times a week and apply the correct lip balm, you can achieve fuller, plumper,lighter and more attractive lips in a few weeks.  When you try it let me know about the results, just comment below, I will be happy if you share your experience and help others to achieve the same goal as yours.

In all the recipes I recommended   to apply a lip balm, and if you want to hear from me, I would recommend Vaseline Rosy Lips Therapy this product is just awesome, It will give you healthy, softer, rosy and even kissable lips. You can click  Here for more information about this fantastic lip balm.

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  1. How often should you need to do this?

    1. Try three or four times a week. But in case of exfoliation, only two times a week.


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