Sunday 28 May 2017

The Best and Hidden Asian Secret for a Young Looking Skin

We can't deny the fact that we all wish we could look young forever, it is good for our appearance and confidence. Asian women are famous for their permanent young looking skin, and today, we will explain the powerful recipe used by these women to achieve such desired goal.

Reasons Why Rice is an Asian beauty treasure

Rice is considered as a cosmetic healing tool used for centuries, and especially appreciated by Asian beauties. They see rice as  a cosmetic ingredient with miraculous properties. It is rich in vitamin B, which stimulates cell regeneration and slows the ageing process. It can get rid of wrinkles on the face and neck.
Applying rice bran oil, rice bran powder and rice water on your skin can change the texture and clarity of the skin, and eliminate dark spots.
To maintain a flawless skin condition and prevent premature ageing , the Asian women use  face masks made from rice. They don't spend thousands to achieve a flawless and young-looking skin. The only thing they do is to  follow a thousand-year old tradition with the ingredients that we all have in our kitchens. Today I'm going to share with you Asian face  masks that will make you look 10 years younger just by applying them at least once a week.

Benefits of rice for a younger looking skin

Rice is a rich source of linoleic acids and squalene. Squalene is a  powerful antioxidant that promotes the collagen production in the skin. This substance keeps the skin from wrinkling. In addition, squalene protects the skin from sun damage. Rice is also rich in vitamin E and Gamma Oryzonol, which protects heart health and also lower cholesterol. Applying rice powder or rice water on your skin can change the texture and clarity of the skin.
Applying rice powder masks can make the skin smooth and eliminate dark spots. Rice powder or its water, contains Tyrosinase, which will control the production of melamine in the skin. Controlling  the production of melanine will make  your skin brighter and remove dark spots as well.  The vitamins  contained in rice will boost new cell production and slows the aging process by improving the collagen and elasticity of the skin.

Benefits of Milk for a flawless skin

Milk  plays a key role in maintaining the beauty of the skin and keeping skin problems at bay. It has the  ability to remove dead skin cells, dark spot, wrinkles, and dark patches. The properties contained in milk can  lighten the skin by promoting shedding of pigmented skin cells. The enzymes, proteins, mineral and vitamins content of milk helps reducing the appearance of wrinkles as fine lines. A  regular use of homemade rejuvenating face masks with milk will retard the ageing signs on your skin and even eliminate the already existing.

Benefits of honey for a younger looking skin

Honey  is a rich source of antioxidants and flavonoids that neutralizes the cell damage caused by free radicals and oxidative stress. Due to its vitamins and minerals, honey fight infections even below the top layer of the skin by unclogging pores and cleaning the impurities lodged in this layer. Being a good source of anti-oxidants, when honey is applied on face masks it will  protect the skin from harsh UV rays. Overexposure to sun  rays can damage skin, cause premature ageing and even cause skin cancer in some cases.

  • 1 tablespoon of honey.
  • 3 teaspoons of rice.
  • 2 teaspoons  of milk.


DIY Rice Powder :Take 5 tablespoons of rice and soak them into water and let it sit for eight hours, it is best if you do it at night. In the morning separate the rice from water and let the rice dry a bit, it may take 15-20 minutes.  Then take a crusher and crush the rice until you get something like a powder.  You can also pace a tablet on top of the rice, so that you get to crush it extract the powder. Place the powder in a small bowl and that can be used for at least 1 week.
  1.  In a small bowl mix 1 tablespoon of rice powder with 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of milk.
  2. Mix it well until you get a fine consistency, basically, like a cream.
  3. Wash your face with lukewarm water to open the pores and then pat dry.
  4. Apply the mixture on your face and let it  sit for about  30 minutes.
  5. Rinse it off and wash your face with  cold water to close the pores.

Apply this mask at least 3 times a week for better results. If you enjoyed this article, please Share!


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