Saturday 18 March 2017

Hormones and Herbs that define your breast size

Breasts have always been a symbol of beauty , sexiness, and feminism, even back on the days, when women had to be slim to be considered sexy, breasts were always considered fat located in the right spot of the body.

Nowadays, we see women struggling to get curvy, this is the new concept of pretty, although there always  been some women that never cared about the concept of beauty for society, they always tried to have a curvy look.

When It comes to increasing breast size,many women  think that's  impossible naturally, that if you were not benefited by genetic, the only thing you can do is implant. There is also a small amount of women that even try exercises to increase breast size but they don't see big results, and they end up giving up. Today I'm going to share with you tricks to have bigger boobs, and you don't have to be rich enough to pay a surgery implant, you can do it using natural herbs that will balance the hormones in your body, hormones  that are responsible for breast growth. I personally love to work with herbs, they are a  gift from nature, they are fairly inexpensive, and most  important of all, they don't have side effects, and you can always take advantage of their others properties while trying to increase your curves.

 It is like this: there are some hormones that are responsible for providing us with a very feminine appearance. Principally on puberty, these hormones decide our physical structure. But what happens is that women also have male hormones, it is just a small amount, but they still there. Some women have a low level of hormones that are responsible for the curvy look, instead, they  have a higher level of male hormones, and when this happens, the male hormones always tend to block your breast growth.
Today we are going to talk about hormones  that play an important role when it comes to growing your boobs, and how to balance these hormones using herbs that you can easily find in the market. So you don't have to waste tons of money paying for surgery.


This is one of the most vital sex hormone in the body of a woman, estrogen develops the necessary female features right from the years of puberty. This hormone is responsible for the development of secondary sexual characteristics, such as the breasts, bigger and wider hips, and an increased amount of body fat on the butt,and  thighs .Summarizing estrogen stimulates both breast and hip development as well as fat distribution among these areas.
Estrogen is mostly produced in the ovaries, which is why bovine ovary pills are able to stimulate production of these natural hormones in your body, leading to breast and butt enlargement. a  lot of women have tried bovine ovaries and got amazing results.


Phyto-estrogens mimic your body`s own estrogen, and they are produced by plants.That's  when your diet and the foods you eat play a big role in natural breast enlargement. A couple of the most powerful phyto-estrogens are isoflavones and lignans. Phyto-estrogens will help increase your breast size by stimulating the estrogens naturally produced by your body. This stimulation of your body's own estrogen will help the milk ducts get bigger, which will lead to bigger breast size.


Progesterone , along with estrogens helps on enhancing the physical aspects of a female body. This hormone is highest in a woman's body during the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle.  Progesterone provides a woman`s body with the right curves. It is hugely responsible for storing fat around your butt, thighs and hip region, Progesterone is more responsible for producing curves on top ( precisely on your breasts)


Phyto-progestins are plants based on progesterone. Your body naturally produces progesterone or progestin hormones, which help prepare and maintain pregnancy, sex hormones, and other behaviours. Both are alveolar and milk glands get bigger due to the progesterone the body produces. Phyto-progestins also help make the breasts rounder.Even though women generally produce prolactin( hormone that increase breast size) during pregnancy and while they are breastfeeding They can produce this hormone in other ways like, taking Phyto-estrogen rich herbal supplements or foods.


Androgens are known as the male hormones, which are produced by testosterone. You need herbs that are considered anti-androgen's because they will  help prevent the testosterone in your body from producing dihydrotestosterone or just DHT.
Taking anti-androgens will help reduce the amount of DHT in your system, so that estrogens( female hormone that help the breast grow) have more room. Since testosterone is what also creates estrogens it makes sense to focus on decreasing the amount of androgens rather than testosterone itself.

Growth Hormone 

Growth hormone is one of the most important hormones when it comes to booty growth. This hormone is  produced by  the pituitary gland. This hormone is super important for growth since it is responsible for stimulating the growth of new cells, tissues, organs, muscles, cartilage and bones. This hormone is necessary to help you grow taller, but also it helps with natural growth too.


Prolactin is a hormone made by the pituitary gland and is the main cause of that fuller look you see in your breasts during the first days of your period. This hormone is known for helping women produce milk.
Prolactin acts as estrogen to increase the amount of estrogen receptors inside the breasts during puberty. This breasts enhancing hormone will also store increase lipoprotein lipase production inside your boobs, which will lead to more fat being stored in your chest. Since your breast is made up of mostly fat, this is essential if you want your breasts to grow in size.

So if you want to increase  your breast size naturally using herbs, you should try some of the herbs listed down bellow.

Maca Root Powder

Maca  is a plant that grows in Central Peru, and it has been used for 3000 years . It is a super food with tons of vitamins, minerals , amino acids, and enzymes. Maca works with your pituitary glands to promote hormones at optimal level. This is why maca is important, this herb will regulate your hormones, it will work  increasing your estrogen levels, and as a result your fat will start distribute more in your breasts. You can only consume 500-1000 mg of maca in a day. Don't consume raw maca, it can bring you serious problems. You can mix it on smoothies or consume it in some other way.


This in one of the most popular herbs which are very beneficial for women's health. Fenugreek is  a medicinal herb that is commonly used by lactating mothers to increase milk production. It also known to increase breast size by mimicking conditions is a woman's body that  are associated with increasing blood flow to that area. Fenugreek contains phytoestrogens that mimic human estrogen and help to regulate hormones. These plant estrogen's will mimic your own estrogen and help to regulate hormones, increasing your breast grow in size and fullness. The standard dosage for fenugreek is 500 -1000 mg per day. Do not exceed this quantity. When you are consuming fenugreek daily, make sure you drink a lot of water, because fenugreek work increasing your breast size transporting the liquids you consume to your breasts, so if you are dehydrated you are not going to see big changes.

Pueraria Mirifica

Pueraria Mirifica is a highly estrogenic herb. It promotes curves by elevating estrogen levels in the body, impacting fat distribution as well. When it comes to women's health this herb stands out thanks to the high amount of phytoestrogens it contains.
Pueraria Mirifica is also considered an anti-androgen, which will help to reduce testosterone levels on your body. This herb contain hormone balancing properties that help to increase the size of woman's breasts. Many women that have used the herb regularly have reported a significant increase in bust size or simply fuller breasts. The recommend dosage is between 20- 50 mg daily, taking during the morning, for better absorption.
The other herb that has the same properties as pueraria Mirifica is Saw Palmetto. This herb is also an anti-androgen and it will help increasing your breast size. The recommended dosage of Saw Palmetto is 160- 320 mg daily.
If you would like to increase your hips and buttocks, you can read my post about Herbs that increase curves naturally .

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