Sunday 5 February 2017

Herbs that increase curves naturally

You know that moment when you are eating all the aliments that are supposed to make your breasts bigger, when you are doing tons of squats everyday to achieve a big and bubble butt, but still, the results are not showing up? your butt still flat, and all the food you consume is just being stored in unnecessary areas ( your belly, which is the only part that actually should look flat, instead of your butt).

The good news is that there are some herbs that can help you to achieve that big, and rounder butt you dream about, they a fair inexpensive, and will give you some amazing results, and the best of all is that there are made by mother Nature. I personally love natural products, I believe that is just a matter of research, and we can get everything we need just looking into some natural products. Today I'm going to share with you some herbs that will help you to achieve that butt, you just need to add them on your diet, and get ready to get that hourglass figure.

Maca root

If you are a reader of this blog, you know that I'm a fan of this herb and all the curvaceous supplements that come along with it, this root is simply amazing. Maca is a plant that grows in Central Peru, and it has been used for 3000 years. It is a super food that offers tons of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and enzymes.
Maca helps women to achieve a more curvaceous body, in fact when it comes to building  a bubble butt and wider hips, there is no herb more popular than maca.
There are hundreds of stories from women who have used this herb and got amazing results. Maca works with your pituitary glands to promote hormones at optimal level.

To get decent curves, you only need to do one thing well- optimize your hormone levels. Usually women with high levels of estrogen  store more fat in their hips or breast.However, there are some women who produce less estrogen, and when that happens , they tend to store more fat in their belly.Estrogen is a female hormone that decides  whether you get curvy body or formless body.
This is why maca is extremely important, because it will regulate your hormones,it will increase your estrogen levels, as a result, your fat will start to distribute more in your hips and butt, That is because maca will increase your level of estrogen.

You can only consume 500 mg-1000 mg of maca per day, Anything higher than that can bring you serious health problems. Do not consume raw maca as well. You can get Maca right now


This is one of the most popular herbs which are very much beneficial for women`s health. Fenugreek is a medicinal herb that is commonly used by lactating mothers to increase milk production. It also known to increase breast size by mimicking conditions in a woman`s body associated with increasing blood flow to that area.

Fenugreek contains a special component known as diosgenin, that increases estrogen levels in the body, resulting in bigger breasts and fuller curves overall. Fenugreek also contains phytoestrogens that mimic human estrogens and help to regulate hormones.These plant estrogens will mimic your own estrogens and help your breasts grow in size and fullness.Taking fenugreek regularly will help you  to store extra fat on the butt and hips, for those who are trying to get slim, this is a disadvantage of fenugreek.

The standard dosage for fenugreek is 500-1000 mg per day. Do not exceed this quantity, You should always keep in  mind that consuming powerful blends can be dangerous for your health.
When you are consuming fenugreek daily, make sure you drink a lot of water, because  fenugreek work increasing your breast size transporting the liquids  you consume to your breasts, so if you are dehydrated you are not going to see any impressive results. you must drink at least 8 cups of water every single day while consuming fenugreek, if you don't,instead of getting bigger breasts and wider hips, you will only look dehydrated, and that's definitely not sexy.

Pueraria Mirifica

This herb grow in the northern areas of Thailand. The Buddhist monks appraised it as having great effects on the hair, skin, and mind.
Pueraria Mirifica is a highly estrogenic herb, it promotes curves by elevating estrogen levels in the body impacting fat distribution as well. When it comes to women`s health this herb stands out thanks to the high amount of phytoestrogens it contains.

Pueraria Mirifica is also considered an anti- androgen, which will help to reduce testosterone levels. Testosterone is categorized as a male hormone, the female body also produces testosterone in small quantities. The presence of an excess amount of testosterone within a woman's body can block the development of  buttocks, hips, along with improper breast growing. When your testosterone level is higher than estrogen you tend to have more male characteristics than female.

Pueraria mirifica is known to be very effective breast enhancement  for women. This is because the herb contain hormone balancing properties that helps to increase the size of woman`s breasts. Many women that have used the herb regularly have reported a significant increase in bust size or simply fuller breasts. The recommended dosage is between 20-50 mg daily, taking during the morning, for better absorption.


There are a wide  variety of different soy products, such as soy milk, soybeans, and soy cheese. Soy products contain isoflavones, which are powerful phytoestrogens. Actually, soybeans contain the highest level of isoflavones that you can add to your diet. You probably don't know how will this help you to get a curvy body, let me explain you.The phytoestrogens in soy will bind to your estrogen receptors and promote breast growth, that's a curve right there.

The isoflavones will also help protect you from breast cancer by regulating cell growth. In fact this is why some experts believe that countries like China women don't usually develop breast cancer, because soy is heavy in their diet.

Dong Quai

This is possibly one of the most commonly used herbs in women's reproductive health , because this herb can play a very important role in hormone regulation and it also increases the efficiency of other natural herbs taken for the same effect. Dong Quai does not grow your butt directly. However, if you are using a butt enhancement pills or creams, then this herb will help them to be more effective.

Other benefits of dong quai  is that this herb increase sexual activity of both men and women by increasing the effect of testicular and ovarian hormones on the body.
Aside from this, Dong Quai may also help to alleviate menstrual- related disorders such as irregular menstrual cycles , infrequent periods, and cramps.The recommended dosage for dong quai is generally 2000-4000 mg per day.

Saw Palmetto

Saw palmetto  grown in the state of Florida. This plant promote fat storage and enlarge underdeveloped butt tissues. The reason why adding palmetto to your herbal routine is a good idea is because  it is anti-androgen (it will help your body block the male hormones- testosterone) doing that your fat will distribute in the right spots, giving your butt a big boost. This herb is also used to achieve bigger breasts. The recommended dosage of saw palmetto is 160-320 mg per day.

Fennel Seeds

This is another very common and powerful herb. You can easily find fennel seeds in the kitchen.The composition of it is quite similar with fenugreek. This particular herb is part of the phytoestrogen family , so when taken regularly, your estrogen levels will be increased resulting in a bigger butt, as well as fuller breasts. These fennel seeds taste good when brewed up with tea.

The other benefits of Fennel include weight loss ( it treats gas, indigestion and bloating issues) prevent aging and cancer as well. It is also good source of Iron, Copper, Manganese, Zinc,Potassium, and Selenium, along with vitamins like  A, C,E, and B complex.
The recommended dosage of Fennel seeds is 5-7 g per day. If you are sensitive to mugwort carrots and celery, then you might also be allergic to fennel seeds. So use it accordingly.


This is a very powerful herb which has been used from the ancient time. Though it does not have direct impact on growing of butt, but it helps to maintain the level of prolactin hormone, which helps to develop mammary gland and breast milk production. If you want to get a bigger and curvier butt, then you must put this herb into your daily diet. For better results take fresh and crisp watercress daily.

Blessed thistle

 This herb has been used in tonic to improve the digestion system. Besides improving the digestion system, it also develops muscles. If you want to have a bigger and hearted shaped butt, then you can put this effective herb into your daily diet. You will see the result after a few months.

If you are a bit confused about this whole hormones thing, you can check on my post about  Hormones that define your butt shape .

It is  advisable to start with a low intake of these herbs, to allow your body to watch out for any allergies that may come up. This also helps the body to adjust to the changes. Some women, overdo this herbs, thinking that they will reach better and faster results, but that will not  happen, because, taking too much of anything on regular basis is usually not a good idea. Overloading the body with herbs high in Phytoestrogens can create a toxic environment in the body and lead to more imbalance. Its important to remember that these herbs are extremely powerful and must be used with care.
All the above mentioned herbs will help you to get a bigger and curvier butt. For the better and faster results, try to take these herbs daily along with particular butt enhancing exercises.

If you are indecisive about which one use, don't worry,you problem can be fixed. You can find a natural supplement that incredibly has all these natural herbs. This is one of the best, if not the best butt supplement available in the market. This supplement is natural, so it doesn't have side effects, and it will naturally increase your body shape, leading you to a hourglass figure. When I tried it, I saw results in two months, I mean results that even other people could notice, because ever since I started taking this supplements, I started to feel different after a month. Many people claim to see results after 4 or 6 months.
The supplement that contains all these magnificent herbs is called Major Curves, and you can click  Here to get one month supply.

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