Sunday 16 April 2017

How to Lose 10 pounds in 5 days

One of the biggest concern of society is to be in shape. It is a fact that most people are not happy with the appearance of their bodies. There’s always a small or big amount of fat stored in each people’s body, and of course we are not proud of that. So if you want to lose weight in the fastest way possible, I bet You already heard about the power of ginger to do that. There are a lot of recipes that use ginger as the power ingredient to lose weight, and that’s is very explainable. Ginger contains a lot of benefits that can help losing weight and also improve our entire health, That’s why, before  I start sharing the powerful recipe that will help you burn 10 pounds in 5 days, I will first explain why you should always include ginger in your diet. 

Benefits of Ginger

  • Combat cancer
  • Prevent diabetes
  • Facilitates better digestion
  • Reduce menstrual pain
  • Improve brain function and protect against  Alzheimer's diseases
  • It can help fight infections
  • Treat chronic indigestion
  • It may lower cholesterol levels
  • It may drastically lower blood sugars and improve heart disease risk factors
  • It can treat forms of nausea, especially morning sickness
  • It can reduce muscle pain and soreness

 Why is ginger great for weight loss

 Thermogenic effect

One of the greatest benefits of ginger is that  it has thermogenic properties. What means that it raises your body temperature,and your blood circulation. Raising your blood circulation, ginger will also increase metabolism and burn more fat.The thermogenic properties on ginger will basically force your body to burn more fat, to balance your normal body temperature.

Ginger promotes better digestion. Ginger helps your body to get rid of toxins, and reduce bump, What is sometimes the reason why you have a big belly. What ginger will basically do is to get rid of things that are not necessary on your body.

Fuller sensation

Ginger is  known as an appetite suppressant. A cup of ginger tea after each meal is a really great way to  regulate your appetite, and also keep hydrated. Ginger helps to eliminate those cravings and the desire to eat between meals.


Ginger tea is very high in antioxidants, which means that it helps your body to get rid itself of all the toxins that cause inflammation and disease. Your organs will function better and that helps to burn more fat easily.


One of the benefits of ginger is that it is also anti-inflammatory, so it will reduce the appearance of bumps in your stomach, and also fortify your immunological system.

Ginger is full of benefits, If you want to lose weight fast, use this recipe explained down below. After losing weight is always essential to control your habits to not get those extra pounds back, and for that, you can use ginger teas daily or at least four times a week, just to keep your metabolism running faster, which will avoid the storage of fat in your body.

How to use Ginger to lose Weight Faster


  • 3 inches of ginger root.
  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon of honey


  1. In a small bowl grate the ginger root and extract the juice. If you prefer, you can also use a blender or food processor.
  2. Take the juice extracted from ginger root and  place it in a cup.
  3. Add to the same cup Lemon Juice and honey as well.
  4. Drink the mixture

The best time to consume this mixture is in the morning and before sleeping, so that your body can fully absorb all the benefits that ginger can offer to your health. You can also consume this mixture between meals to avoid cravings, but in case you do so, just limit yourself to 1 tablespoon of this drink.

Consume this drink in the same day. Do not exceed this quantity and keep grated ginger in the refrigerator. Once you made this drink, It can only last 24 hours.

This drink will make you lose weight five times faster than the ginger tea itself. If you drink this at night you will start seeing results in the morning and until the end of the week you can lose at least 10 pounds. This is definitely the fastest way to lose weight using ginger. try this method today and Share this article.



  1. Are you supposed to drink the entire mixture twice a day or divide it into two servings?

  2. Are you supposed to drink the entire mixture twice a day or divide it into two servings?

  3. Please tell me if this works !

  4. drink one part in the morning before eating anything and at night before sleeping. You will see results dear.

  5. For how long do I need to drink this?
    Also will the weight bounce back after I stop drinking this?

    1. To avoid weight bounce drink milk combined with cinnamon everyday in the morning or at least 4 times a weeek. It is a delicious way to lose weight actually, You will even forget you are drinking to lose weight. Read here

  6. You can drink for 2 weeks or for and after losing weight I recommend you to drink it at least twice a week just to avoid some fat accumulation.

  7. Is this half of the mixture in morning and other half at night? Or have the entire mixture twice?

    1. Drink half in the morning and half at night.

    2. is the time limit longer if you have more fat to lose drinking this drink and after that you drink the milk and cinnamon and how much of that is mixed and drank at one time

  8. How do I extract the finer juice or can I just use the puree from my processor

    1. You can use the pure grom the processor. Ginger has amazing properties. Thank you everyone for reading and enjoying my articles.

  9. If I drink this every day but can I eat whatever I want???? Anyway it’s healthy

    1. As a said you need to consume a tablespoon 2 or three times a day, this drink is strong, so you can keep eating, but try to reduce the amount of fat you consume.

  10. While drinking this do we have to exercise regularly

    1. Not really, only exercise if you want faster results or if you think you have been consuming a lot of fat.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Can we replace honey? Or remove it completely ? I cant stand its taste !

  13. How much ginger does 3 inches equate to? Can anyone say how many grams it ends up being? or mls? 3 inches / 7cm doesn't help as it could be a bigger piece sideways but 7cm lengthwise.

  14. Is there a ginger puree or juice already out there to use?? or is buying the root and grating the only way to get the juice??

    1. If you buy the juice it may have other igredients that may not be natural, grate the ginger to obtain the pure extract.

    2. Hey can I get the recipe for the weight loss brink please. Both of them. (1st-The one with milk and cinnamon 2nd- The one with ginger on.)
      Also do u have a recipe for milk cinnamon and ginger.(Can it work to lose wight)

  15. You can try dry ginger powder as well

  16. I was told that ginger is not good for people with high blood pressure cause ginger will raise it. Your feeling on this?

  17. Its chewable. Not liquid whatsoever. Resembles a hairball


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